Tuesday, December 22, 2009

لا تصالح

.. فنظر كليب حواليه وتحسر, وذرف دمعة وتعبر, ورأى عبدا واقفا فقال له: اريد منك يا عبد الخير, قبل ان تسلبني, ان تسحبني الى هذه البلاطة القريبة من هذا الغدير, لاكتب وصيتي الى اخي الامير سالم الزير, فأوصيه باولادي وفلذة كبدي...فسحبه العبد الى قرب البلاطة, والرمح غارس في ظهره, والدم يقطر من جنبه... فغمس "كليب" اصبعه في الدم, وخط على البلاطة وانشأ يقول
...لا تصالح!... ولو منحوك الذهبأترى حين افقأ عينيك, ثم اثبت جوهرتين مكانهما ..هل ترى ؟هي اشياء لا تشترىذكريات الطفولة بين اخيك وبينك,حسكما -فجأة- بالرجولةهذا الحياء الذي يكبت الشوق ..حين تعانقهالصمت -مبتسمين- لتأنيب امكما ...وكأنكماما تزالان طفلين!!تلك الطمأنينة الابدية بينكما:ان سيفان سيفكصوتان صوتكانك ان مت:للبيت ربوللطفل ابهل يصير دمي -بين عينيك- ماء؟اتنسى ردائي الملطخ..تلبس - فوق دمائي- ثيابا مطرزة بالقصب؟انها الحرب!قد تثقل القلب...لكن خلفك عار العربلا تصالحولا تتوخ الهرب!لا تصالح على الدم .. حتى بدم!لا تصالح! ولو قيل رأس برأس!أكل الرؤوس سواء؟أقلب الغريب كقلب اخيك؟أعيناه عينا اخيك؟وهل تتساوى يد .. سيفها كان لكبيد سيفها أثكلك؟!سيقولون:جئناك كي تحقن الدم..جئناك. كن - يا أمير- الحكمسيقولون:ها نحن أبناء عمقل لهم: انهم لم يراعوا العمومة فيمن هلكوأغرس السيف في جبهة الصحراء..الى ان يجيب العدمانني كنت لكفارساو أخاو أباوملك!لا تصالحولو حرمتك الرقادصرخات الندامةوتذكر( اذا لان قلبك للنسوة اللابسات السواد ولاطفالهنالذين تخاصمهم الابتسامة)ان بنت اخيك "اليمامة"زهرة تتسربل -في سنوات الصبا-بثياب الحدادكنت, ان عدت:تعدو على درج القصرتمسك ساقي عند نزولي ..فأرفعها - وهي ضاحكة-فوق ظهر الجوادها هي الآن .. صامتة.حرمتها يد الغدر:من كلمات ابيها,ارتداء الثياب الجديدة,من أن يكون لها -ذات يوم- أخ!!من أب يبتسم في عرسها..وتعود اليه اذا الزوج اغضبها..واذا زارها.. يتسابق احفاده نحو احضانه,لينالوا الهدايا..ويلهو بلحيته ( وهو مستسلم)ويشدو العمامةلا تصالح!!فما ذنب تلك اليمامةلترى العش محترقا.. فجأة,وهي تجلس فوق الرماد؟!لا تصالحولو توجوك بتاج الامارةكيف تخطو على جثة ابن ابيك ..؟وكيف تصير المليك..على أوجه البهجة المستعارة؟كيف تنظر في يد من صافحوك..فلا تبصر الدم..في كل كف؟ان سهما أتاني من الخلف..سوف يجيئك من الف خلففالدم -الآن- صار وساما وشارةلا تصالح!ولو توجوك بتاج الامارةان عرشك: سيفوسيفك: زيفاذا لم تزن -بذؤابته- لحظات الشرفواستطبت -الترفلا تصالحولو قال من مال عند الصدام".. ما بنا طاقة لامتشاق الحسام.."عندما يملأ الحق قلبك:تندلع النار ان تتنفسلا تصالح,ولو قيل ما قيل من كلمات السلامكيف تستنشق الرئتان النسيم المدنس؟كيف تنظر في عينى امرأة ..انت تعرف انك لا تستطيع حمايتها؟كيف تصبح فارسها في الغرام؟كيف ترجو غدا .. لوليد ينامكيف تحلم او تتغنى بمستقبل لغلاموهو يكبر -بين يديك- بقلب منكس؟لا تصالحولا تقتسم مع من قتلوك الطعاموارو قلبك بالدم..وارو التراب المقدس..وارو اسلافك الراقدين ..الى ان ترد عليك العظام!لا تصالح,ولو ناشدتك القبيلةباسم حزن "الجليلة"ان تسوق الدهاء,وتبدي -لمن قصدوك- القبولسيقولون:ها أنت تطلب ثأرا يطولفخذ -الآن - ما تستطيعقليلا من الحق..في هذه السنوات القليلةأنه ليس ثأرك وحدكلكنه ثأر جيل فجيلوغدا..سوف يولد من يلبس الدرع كاملة,يوقد النار شاملة,يطلب الثأريستولد الحقمن أضلع المستحيل.لا تصالح,ولو قيل ان التصالح حيلةانه الثأرتبهت شعلته في الضلوع..اذا ما توالت عليها الفصول..ثم تبقى يد العار مرسومة (بأصابعها الخمس)فوق الجباه الذليلة!!لا تصالح,ولو حذرتك النجومورمى لك كهانها بالنبأ..كنت أغفر لو أنني مت..ما بين خيط الصواب وخيط الخطألم أكن غازيا,لم أكن اتسلل قرب مضاربهمأو احوم وراء النجوملم أمد يدا لثمار الكرومأرض بستانهم لم أطألم يصح قاتلي بي: "انتبه"!كان يمشي معيثم صافحنيثم سار قليلاولكنه في الغصون أختبأ!فجأة:ثقبتني قشعريرة بين ضلعين..واهتز قلبي -كفقاعة- وانفثأوتحاملت, حتى احتملت على ساعديفرأيت: ابن عمي الزنيمواقفا يتشفى بوجه لئيملم يكن في يدي حربة,او سلاح قديم,لم يكن غير غيظي الذي يتشكى الظمألا تصالح,الى أن يعود الوجود لدورته الدائرة:النجوم .. لميقاتهاوالطيور.. لأصواتهاوالرمال.. لذراتهاوالقتيل لطفلته الناظرةكل شيئ تحطم في لحظة عابرة:الصبا -بهجة الامل- صوت الحصان .. التعرف بالضيف - همهمة القلب حين يرى برعما في الحديقة يذوي -الصلاة لكي ينزل المطر الموسمي - مراوغة القلب حين يرى طائر الموتوهو يرفرف فوق المبارزو الكاسرةكل شيئ تحطم في نزوة فاجرةوالذي اغتالني: ليس ربا..ليقتلني بمشيئتهليس أنبل مني.. ليقتلني بسكينته,ليس أمهر مني.. ليقتلني باستدارته الماكرةلا تصالح,فما الصلح الا معاهدة بين ندين..(في شرف القلب)لا تنتقصوالذي اغتالني محض لصسرق الارض من بين عينيوالصمت سطلق ضحكته الساخرة!لا تصالح,ولو وقفت ضد سيفك كل الشيوخ,والرجال التي ملأتها الشروخ,هؤلاء الذين يحبون طعم الثريد,وانتطاء العبيد,هؤلاء الذين تدلت عمائمهم فوق اعينهم,وسيوفهم العربية قد نسيت سنوات الشموخلا تصالح,فليس سوى ان تريدانت فارس هذا الزمان الوحيدوسواك .. المسوخ!لا تصالحلا تصالح!!"أقوال اليمامة""فلما جاءت الوفود ساعية الى الصلح, قال لهم الامير سالم: أصالح اذا صالحت اليمامة.. فقصدت اليمامة امها الجليلة ومن معها من نساء سادات القبيلة, فدخلن اليها, وسلمن جميعا عليها, وقبلت الجليلة بنتها وقالت: أما كفى؟ فقد هلكت رجالنا وساءت احوالنا, وماتت فرساننا وابطالنا. فأجابتها اليمامة: أنا لا أصالح, ولو لم يبق احد يقدر ان يكافح.."أبي .. لا مزيد!أريد أبي عند بوابة القصر,فوق حصان الحقيقة,منصبا .. من جديدولا اطلب المستحيل, ولكنه العدل:هل يرث الارض الا بنوها؟ولا تتناسى البساتين من سكنوها؟وهل تتنكر أغصانها للجذور..(لأن الجذور تهاجر في الاتجاه المعاكس؟)هل تترنم قسثارة الصمت..الا اذا عادت القوس تذرع أوتارها العصبية؟والصدر ! حتى متى يتحمل ان يحبس القلب..قلبي الذي يشبه الطائر الدموي الشريد؟هي الشمس, تلك التي تطلع الآن؟أم أنها العين -عين القتيل- التي تتأمل شاخصة:دمه يترسب شيئا فشيئاويخضر شيئا فشيئافتطلع من كل بقعة دم: فم قرمزي..وزهره شر..وكفان قابضتان على منجل من حديد؟هي الشمس؟ أم انها التاج؟هذا الذي يتنقل فوق الرؤوس الى ان يعودالى مفرق الفارس العربي الشهيد؟أقول لكم: أيها الناس كونوا أناسا!هي النار, وهي اللسان الذي يتكلم بالحق!ان الجروح يطهرها الكي,والسيف يصقله الكير,والخبز ينضجه الوهج,لا تدخلوا معمدانية الماء..بل معمدانية النار..كونوا لها الحطب المشتهى والقلوب: الحجارة,كونوا.. الى ان تعود السماوات زرقاء,والصحراء بتولا..تسير عليها النجوم محملة بسلال الورود,أقول لكم: لا نهاية للدم..هل في المدينة يضرب بالبوق, ثم يظل الجنودعلى سرر النوم؟هل يرفع الفخ من ساحة الحقل.. كي تطمئن العصافير؟ان الحمام المطوق ليس يقدم بيضته للثعابين..حتى يسود السلام,فكيف الدم رأس ابي ثمنا؟من يطالبني ان أقدم رأس أبي ثمنا.. لتمر القوافل آمنة,وتبيع بسوق دمشق: حريرا من الهند,أسلحة من بخارى,وتبتاع من بيت جالا العبيد؟"مراثي اليمامة"صار ميراثنا في يد الغربائوصارت سيوف العدو: سقوف منازلنانحن عباد شمس يشير بأوراقه نحو أروقة الظل,ان التويج الذي يتطاوليخرق هامته السقف,يخرط قامته السيف,أن التويج الذي يتطاوليسقط في دمه المنسكب!نستقي -بعد خيل الاجانب- من ماء آبارناصوف حملائنا ليس يلتف لا على مغزل الجزية,النار لا تتوهج بين مضاربنابالعيون الخفيضة نستقبل الضيفأبكارنا ثيبات..وأولادنا للفراش..ودراهمنا فوق صورة الملك المغتصب..أيادي الصبايا الحنائن تضم على صدره نصف ثوبوتبقى عيون طكليب" مسمرة في شواشى الجنائن.أسائل:من للصغار الذين يطيرون -كالنحل- فوق التلال؟ومن للعذارى اللواتي جعلن القلوب:قوارير تحفظ رائحة البرتقال؟ومن سيروض مهر الخيال؟ومن سيضمد -في آخر الصيد- جرح الغزال؟ومن للرجال..أذا قيل "ما نسب القوم"؟فانسكبت في خدود الرمال دموع السؤال؟بنات أبي -الزهرات الصغيرات- يسألنني:لم أبكي أبي!!ويبكين مثلي,ويخلدن للنوم حين أغالب دمعي,وأروي لهن الحكاياعن الملك النسروالملك الثعلبفان نمن.. جاء أبي.. ليهز الأراجيح..يلمس وجناتهن..ويعطي لهن اللعب..ويمضي.. وعيناه مسبلتان..وساقاه تشتكيان التعب..أبي ظامئ يا رجالأريقوا له الدم كي يرتويوصبوا له جرعة جرعة في الفؤاد يكتويعسى دمه المتسرب بين عروق النباتات,بين الرمال..يعود له قطرة قطرة..فيعود له الزمن المنطوي..خصومة قلبي مع الله .. ليس سواهأبي أخذ الملك سيفا لسيف, فهل يؤخذ الملكمنه اغتيالا,وقد كللته يدا الله بالتاج؟!هل تنزع التاج الا اليدان المباركتان,وهل هان ناموسه في البريةحتى يتوج لص.. بما سرقته يداه؟خصومة قلبي مع الله..انيأنزه سهم منيته أن يجيء من الخلف,ان الذي يطلق السهم ليس هو القوس..بل قلب صاحبه,والذي يجعل النفس تستقبل الموت راضية.. نبل واهبه,فأنا أرفض الموت غدرا..فهل نزل الله عن سهمه الذهبي لمن يستهين بههل تكون مكان أصابعه.. بصمات الخطاه؟؟خصومة قلبي مع الله .. ليس سواه!كليب يموت..ككلب تصادفه الفلاة؟اذن فلماذا كسا وجهه الصورة الآدمية؟هل كرم الله انسانه؟مات من مات كلبا.. فأين ذهب الآدمي الذيقد براه؟خصومة قلبي مع اللهقلبي صغير كفستقة الحزن.. لكنه في الموازينأثقل من كفة الموت,هل عرف الموت فقد أبيه,هل أغترف الماء من جدول الدمع,هل لبس الموت ثوب الحداد الذي حاكه.. ورماه؟خصومة قلبي مع اللهاين وريث أبي؟ذهب الملك,لكن لأسم أبي حق ان يتناقله ابنه عنهفكيف يموت أبي مرتين؟أيتها الأنجم المتلونة الوجه:قولي له:قد سلبت حياتين..أبق حياه..ورد حياه..خصومة قلبي مع الله.هذا الكمال الذي خلق الله هيئته,فكسا العظم باللحم,ها هو: جسما -يعود له- دون رأس,فهل تتقبل بوابة الغيب من شابه العيب,أم ان وجه العدالة:أن يرجع الشلو للأصل,أن يرجع البعد للقبل,أن ينهض الجسد المتمزق مكتمل الظلحتى يعود الى الله.. متحدا في بهاه؟يجيء أخي هل عباءته الريح؟هل سيفه البرق؟هل يتمنطق فوق جواد السحاب؟يجيء أخي!غافلا عن كتاب المواريثعن دمه الملكي,عن الصولجان الذي صار مقبضه العاج:رأس غراب!!يجيء أخي( كان يعرفه القلب 1)أقذف تفاحةيتصدى لها وهو يطحنها بالركاب!(هي الخطأ البشري الذي حرم النفس فردوسهاالأول المستطاب)أثنى, فأقذف تفاحة..تستقر على رأس حربته!( أيها الوطن المستدير.. الذي تثقب الحرب عذرتهبالحراب).. وتفاحة تتلقفها يده!( هي جوهرة الملك,جوهرة العدل,جوهرة الحب..فالحب آب!)قلوب ثلاثية شارة الزمن القديم المستجابقفوا يا شباب!لمن جاء من رحم الغيب,خاض بساقيه في بركة الدملم يتناثر عليه الرشاش,ولم تبد شائبة الثياب!قفوا للهلال الذي يستدير..ليصبح هالات نور على كل وجه وباب!قفوا يا شباب!كليب يعود.. كعنقاء أحرقت ريشهالتظل الحقيقة ابهى..وترجع حلتها - في سناء الشمس .. أزهىوتفرد أجنحة الغد..فوق مدائن تنهض من ذكريات الخراب!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Crisis : Dubai Is Still In Denial

All Is Well
It was January 2008 when I first set foot in Dubai. It was a land full of grandiose, landmark projects. Few cities in the world could match the sheer number of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers being built in the emirate .
Shopping malls were cropping up everywhere, and the biggest one in the world, Dubai Mall, was then under construction. Retail and the service sector were booming, not just from the significant increase of population in the last several years but also on account of the boost provided by tourism. Needless to say, hotels were flooded with tourists; occupancy rates were over 80%.
Lastly, the real-estate and construction sectors were just spectacular. Stories of investors profiting over 20% in one day by buying and selling off-plan properties were commonplace.
With such a quickly growing economy, the job market could not handle the demand. Expatriates were encouraged to fly to Dubai, having virtual assurance of employment. After all, since the whole world was in the midst of great financial crises and growing unemployment, there was nothing more sensible than to try your luck in the only seemingly immune city in the world.
Early Signs
After a few days settled in the city, one could already notice the signs that something was out of place.
If you wanted to rent a flat, it was quite easy. Just give the real-estate agent one check equal to a whole year of rent. As absurd as it sounds, the common practice in the rental market was 12 months upfront. A very skilled negotiator could manage to settle in two checks instead. But that was not all. After visiting the potential property, you had to make up your mind in a couple of hours because of the possibility of someone else being quicker and outbidding you. There were just too many buyers in the market.
This upfront cash disbursement could not be met by many just-landed expatriates. Thank God we had the banks to provide just the right financing for those eager to rent a place to live. Many expats couldn't afford to pay 12 months in advance. Credit made it affordable to almost everyone.
Once the place to live was found, you had to get yourself a car, otherwise you risked being trapped in an hour-long queue to get a taxi outside a shopping mall. There were just too many visitors.
Auto sales were also booming and there were plenty of car dealerships. It was a simple task to purchase a car; easy and cheap financing was always there. You needed to decide quickly because, again, someone else could buy the last piece with just the color you wanted. If the price seemed a bit high, well, too bad for you, because there were too many people interested in it.
"Credit expansion exerted a drastic force in promoting unviable projects."
Living and transportation matters aside, one had to start working. However, with such an increase in demand and higher workload, you needed to hire more staff. After contacting a recruiting firm, screening CVs, and interviewing a few people, a candidate could be selected. Well, maybe not, he'd already been picked by another company. Not a problem. You could go with the second best option.
The new employee would start working as agreed. All seemed well until, after a couple of days on the job, a surprise resignation letter would be waiting on your desk. He had been offered a bit more by another firm. Such a process had to be repeated a couple of times, but eventually a new employee would be hired.
Most likely the same employee would then get frustrated a couple of months later, because his recently joined peer was hired with a 25% higher wage to do the same job.
The same auction-like procedure could be noticed in the cases of office space and the so-called labor camps for blue-collar workers.
In such a scenario, many companies experienced a lot of trouble in managing and planning their operations. How is a manager expected to plan his business if the expected demand, according to market data, is to increase twofold in six months and threefold in a year? Long-term planning in Dubai was 12 months maximum. No one could risk maintaining a plan unaltered in such a drastically changing environment.
Anyone who worked in Dubai during the boom period will identify himself with the examples described above. These are just a few of a myriad of personal stories that lead to the same conclusion: something was not right.
It was a market of extremes. Demand was so high that two-sided competition was virtually nonexistent. It was like an auction, a one-sided competition of buyers. Whenever such two-sided competition is not present, market forces cannot weed out weak competitors, such as badly managed companies.
Consumers had practically no say in the market back then, since if one refrained from buying from a given seller, a hundred others were queuing behind him to guarantee zero inventories. This hindered the process that forces companies to become more efficient and deliver on their promises.
Whenever the bidding processes, the laws of supply and demand, become so unbalanced, one ought to at least reflect on the matter. The question that few raised was whether all this demand was justified and sustainable.
The Bubble Gets Bigger
The House Price Index rose 78% from Q1 2007 to Q1 2008, encouraging even more potential investors to embark on this buying frenzy.
Their appetite for new developments and projects was endless. One could flip through a newspaper and read articles about new project-release events where all units were sold within hours. During one event there was even tumult. Everyone wanted to ensure that an off-plan property could be purchased immediately.
A neighbor who had just purchased a villa recounted to me that his real-estate agent called him three days later to say that she had a potential buyer who would buy the property at a 20% markup. After so much trouble in finally finding a place, he had to decline the offer by replying to the agent, "I actually want to live in this house."
The market sentiment was that prices could just go up. Dubai's economy was sound and strong, according to analysts. The construction sector was booming and attracting more foreign investors each day.
In September 2008 everything was still unshakable, and even celebrities like tennis pro Boris Becker and Indian actor Shah Rukh were announcing projects worth billions of dollars, and the House Price Index reached its peak at a 116% increase since Q1 2007.
Despite visibly high vacancy rates in many areas, new residential and commercial projects were appearing every day with promises of even more residential and commercial space.
One had to drive through the city of Dubai to try to grasp how such a thing could happen. If there were so many empty flats and offices, why were developers still building more and more before the oversupply could actually subside?
"Resources are scarce. Printing more money can never alter this fact."
It seems that the main motive of buying was quick profit. Flipping real-estate property was becoming a sport. Obviously, such patterns bear much resemblance with the US housing debacle.
In October 2008, Cityscape Dubai, the seventh edition of the already-famous real-estate-investment and -development event, opened its doors to the public.
Meraas Development, a then-new, Dubai-based company, unveiled its grand design for Jumeirah Gardens, a $95 billion city within a city.
Visitors were able to see the status of the Arabian Canal, a $50 billion, 120-square-kilometer city to be built in 15 years, for up to 2.5 million people.
And lastly, Nakheel, the developer responsible for the Palm Islands project, in an official announcement at the dawn of Cityscape, told the press it would construct a "tower more than a kilometer high," which would be unrivaled the world over, eclipsing the Burj Dubai tower.
With such megaprojects in the pipeline, Dubai aimed to be the home of roughly 5 million people by 2020. Population stood at 1.6 million by the beginning of 2008.
Symbolically, the Dubai boom reached its height on November 30, 2008, at the launch of the landmark hotel, Atlantis, located at the tip of Palm Jumeirah, the first of the Palm projects. The $20 million celebration extravaganza drew top music, movie, and sport celebrities, and a record-breaking $3 million in fireworks.
Pricking the Bubble
It is always difficult to identify which precise event caused the chain reaction that led market participants to face reality.
In hindsight, it could be argued that Nakheel's announcement of its decision to lay off 500 employees in order to cope with "short-term business plans and accommodate to the current global environment" was one such triggering event. This occurred a few days after the launching of the Atlantis hotel.
On the following day, the Trump Tower luxury project on Palm Jumeirah was suspended, raising even more concerns that the party was indeed over.
These events paved the way for massive speculation among all parties involved in the construction boom. Suddenly, panic was dominating the market. Everyone was trying to figure out how they could be affected and which measures they should take.
Further projects were either put on hold, suspended, or delayed. Additional redundancies ensued.
Cash, which had flowed freely in the sector, suddenly froze. Developers blocked payments, which had a crippling impact on the whole supply chain.
Several companies were required to operate in a kind of standby mode, barely being able to cover fixed expenses such as payroll.
The House Price Index depicted an even grimmer picture. By the end of 2008 it had already declined 8% over the previous quarter. It plummeted 41% in the first quarter of the following year, dropping a further 9% by July. Due to the impact of the Burj Dubai development, the price index rose 7% during the Q3 2009. If the Burj is left out of the index, an actual additional decline of roughly 10% can be observed.
During 2009, the sentiment in the business community was one of solitude. Without proper information from government and master developers, no one was able to guess where the economy was heading and adjust their operations accordingly.
What took many international investors by surprise was long expected by the local market. Dubai World, the holding company of Nakheel, finally came forward and declared it needed a standstill on its debt obligations until May 30, 2010.
As Mises put it almost a century ago, "every boom must one day come to an end."
The narrative and events above vividly depict all the effects, but not clearly the underlying causes, behind the emirate's boom.
With a currency pegged to the dollar, the United Arab Emirates' Central Bank pursued the same harmful monetary policies as its American counterpart, the Federal Reserve.
Interest rates in the United Arab Emirates were kept artificially low for too long, following the Fed in every move. Reckless lending standards obviously helped to give a boost to the damaging credit expansion.
In addition to the aggressive lending by international institutions to Dubai's enterprises, the UAE Central Bank and the banks operating in the country also played a crucial role in fueling the construction bubble.
The Central Bank balance sheet spiked in 2007, reaching a staggering 177% increase over the previous year.
Although the monetary authority trimmed down the money pumping in 2008, decreasing its balance sheet 32% at the end of that year (still double its size in December 2006), the damage had already been done.
Money supply measured by M3 had an annual growth rate of 29.4% in the period from 2006 to 2008.
With further scrutiny of the UAE's key indicators, we can verify the extent of the malinvestments encouraged by the banks operating in the United Arab Emirates. The aggregate balance sheet of banks operating in the country grew 31.4% annually in the same timeframe above.
After the UAE Central Bank's massive monetary pumping into the economy in 2007, we may infer that the next great damage was orchestrated by the private banks in 2008.
Loans extended to the construction sector grew 41.7% annually from 2006 to 2008. In 2008 alone such loans increased a whopping 80.7% over the previous year. With all this funding, new projects were being launched constantly. Nevertheless, with all this supply, where was all the demand coming from?
In this regard, banks also ensured there would be enough demand available through the usual means, credit.
In 2006, mortgages to residents climbed 80.1%. During 2007, the increase was 82.1%. Finally, 2008 ended with $18.9 billion worth of additional loans, 122.8% growth over a year.
It can hardly be argued that this demand was real. The United Arab Emirates' population stood at 4.76 million by the end of 2008, an approximate increase of 277 thousand in comparison to the year before.
Taking into consideration that a disproportionately large part of the population are blue-collar workers (mainly from the Indian subcontinent), of whom the vast majority reside in labor camps, one may conclude that mortgages were concentrated in very few hands, suggesting the demand was indeed due to investment rather than ownership.
If there had been no credit expansion, people would not have been able to buy on this massive scale. Without the potential buyers, developers would not have been able to launch so many projects. Likewise, if credit hadn't been readily available for developers, they also wouldn't have been able to fund so many projects. So did credit to consumers lead to more credit to contractors, or was it the other way around?
Instead of trying to solve this conundrum, it suffices to conclude that credit expansion exerted a drastic force in promoting unviable projects.
"Following the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle, one could clearly see that the emirate's boom had to come to an end."
Production and saving cannot keep up with the pace of credit expansion, because production takes time and labor. The creation of additional money out of thin air does not add to the available amount of goods and services in the economy. If more credit is extended to construction companies, it does not mean there will be enough steel, cement, etc. — certainly not at prices that make the developments profitable. As soon as each company starts bidding for the same resource, it will tend to increase in price, rendering some projects unviable.
Resources are scarce. Printing more money can never alter this fact.
With extremely low nominal interest rates and negative real interest rates (inflation is estimated at over 10% for 2007 and 2008), the rational behavior was to borrow and invest wherever it is possible. A booming real-estate market seemed to be the obvious choice most of the time.
Under these conditions, everyone becomes a brilliant businessman. Entrepreneurial errors seem seldom while credit is abundant.
Psychology clearly plays a role in stimulating a bubble, but only monetary inflation enables it. It is difficult not to succumb to the temptation of profiting astronomic amounts in a short period of time. Resistance is even more difficult if the means to engage in the bubble are easily available at the nearest bank.
In the case of the housing sector, people failed to understand that demand for real estate is only sustainable if the ultimate reason for purchasing a property is to actually reside in it.
Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan would suggest that "irrational exuberance" has the power to escalate asset prices. He could certainly claim exuberance, but there is nothing irrational in investing in higher-yield projects instead of watching your idle savings lose their purchasing power because of inflation.
In addition to the damage caused by the UAE Central Bank and banks operating locally, state-owned and private ventures from the Sheikh were able to cheaply borrow enormous amounts from financial institutions abroad, fueling the malinvestments even further. Dubai World's standstill request on its immediate debt obligations only made the emirate's underlying complications come to surface.
Dubai's false boom, its unreal prosperity, was based on the illusion of cheap money. It was based on the illusion that credit expansion generates wealth — that money is wealth. Following the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle, one could clearly see that the emirate's boom had to come to an end.
Further Developments
On the wave of Dubai's opulence, the neighboring emirates also wanted to diversify their economies, embarking in extravagant real-estate projects, many of which were extremely questionable ideas from the outset.
In Ajman, several projects have been canceled as developers have run out of cash, leaving many investors with deposits paid on projects that may never be built.
Led by Dubai, the construction frenzy in the UAE naturally attracted loads of foreign investors looking to diversify. In a world still trapped in a major crisis wherein investment opportunities were scarce, Dubai seemed rather appealing.
Although credit expansion did indeed play a fundamental role, actual saved resources were also drawn into the UAE market, further fueling the malinvestments.
A significant portion of those savings will unfortunately be lost, since many investment decisions were carried out anticipating a continuation of the economic scenario of the boom period.
What remains to be seen is the extent of the total damage in the economy. It is still too early to predict the depth of Dubai's necessary recession, the needed adjustment for its scores of malinvestments. Dubai's government companies and local and foreign private developers embarked on many projects that could only be economically viable under the boom conditions of 2008.
There are two ways to finance a project, through one's own capital (personal savings) or through borrowing. If the developer uses his own capital, and the project turns sour, he can either consume his own capital and complete the development in spite of the losses he will incur or cancel the development altogether and take the current pain, avoiding an even greater loss after completion.
However, when a company borrows to fund projects that prove unviable, there is another party involved in the mess.
Numerous developers are trapped in a situation where ongoing projects are turning red, and customers who purchased for investment purposes are defaulting in fear of not being able to profit from a resale or in true inability to meet the payments. This is all the worse if such a developer is leveraged, like Nakheel.
Analyzing from the perspective of a buyer, pulling out is just the sensible attitude. However, if you have bought an apartment to live in, it matters very little if the expected value of the property declines. In the end, you want to live in it.
However, it's quite another story if you have purchased it as an investment, obviously expecting to sell dear, but are caught off guard with a sudden slump in the expected sale value. Should you fulfill the commitment and face an unknown loss, or take the hit now and cancel the contract outright? In the case of developers it might be even more problematic if the buyer is residing abroad and decides to breach the contract. What is the likelihood of UAE jurisdiction being enforced internationally?
Dubai World's acknowledgment of its financial ordeal is the first step in healing the problems caused by the boom. Once projects finally start being canceled, as some will inevitably have to be, a chain reaction begins that will lead some contractors, subcontractors, and other parties related to the sector to the verge of bankruptcy.
As hurtful as it sounds, many companies need to go out of business so the economy can readjust and leave only the real, profitable companies intact.
The office-space vacancy rate in prime locations is estimated at around 40%. Other sources' estimates arrive at a total 74% occupancy rate in residential and commercial space. Due to the lack of accurate statistics in the market, it is a complex job to reach a precise figure. Ongoing and planned constructions are set to increase real-estate supply even further in 2010. Even if these ongoing developments end up being suspended, the current oversupply combined with declining economic activity will exert a substantial downward pressure on real-estate prices, and there is nothing government or any other entity can do to repeal the law of supply and demand.
Nevertheless, the length and depth of the recession also depends on the monetary policies that the UAE Central Bank will pursue. If it tries to prop up companies that cannot prosper, this readjustment process will just extend itself or even be completely neutralized.
Another piece of the puzzle is the exposure of banks to bad loans.
"Only savings can allow for sustainable economic growth."
When someone borrows and doesn't fulfill his commitment in his own country, he might get into trouble. However, in Dubai, expatriates can just leave and never repay their debt: banks in the UAE have very few ways of attempting to recover such bad loans. The abandoned cars in Dubai's airport illustrate this point. In fact, local laws end up encouraging flight from the country since one faces incarceration if one fails to honor issued checks on debt.
In addition to the debt issue, the recession and readjustment of business may result in downsizing, meaning redundancies. Since 90% of the workforce comes from abroad, chances are that the laid-off employee is a foreigner. According to UAE law, if a foreign worker loses his job, he has to find a new position or leave the country within 30 days.
Therefore, a recession in Dubai can also cause a decrease in population, which could have broad effects in the retail sector too, although to a lesser extent. This scenario is very unlikely to occur in the developed countries facing recession, such as the United States or Spain.
Abu Dhabi and International Investors
There are many lessons to learn from Dubai. Every investor should know by now that he must do his homework and only invest when he's fully aware of the reality of the underlying investment. Many just relied on the Dubai government's backing of debt and if that failed, well, the UAE government in Abu Dhabi would just step in. Now that the former has failed and the latter's extent of help is yet unknown, investors are left scratching their heads to figure out an exit plan. It will be a fresh wake-up call that profit and risk always go hand in hand.
Unlike Dubai, Abu Dhabi derives more than half of its GDP from oil revenues. It owns substantial income-generating assets as well as an impressive sovereign-wealth fund. The means to rescue Dubai are certainly there. However, Abu Dhabi is reluctant to write a blank check and assume all of Dubai's debt, and rightly so. The recent extra $10 billion granted by the capital to help honor Nakheel's maturing bond may have calmed some investors. Nonetheless, the underlying malinvestments are still there. Instead of owing foreigners, Dubai now has an extra debt with Abu Dhabi (though the conditions of this emergency loan are still unclear).
In 2008, the last boom year for Dubai, the emirate's GDP is estimated to have reached $80 billion, while Abu Dhabi's was $142 billion, according to government statistics. It is claimed that Dubai's government debt is well over $80 billion. While the debt-to-GDP ratio truly deserves attention, most important of all is the ability to service the debt. Dubai's assets have declined considerably in value and its ongoing operations' capacity to generate enough income to pay off its debt is severely impaired. As with any investment decision, the UAE is carefully thinking through Dubai's rescue.
Reckless lending by international banks to Dubai Inc. was a major stimulus to the emirate's debacle. When everything was going fine, few questions were raised. Now, after the derailing of the economy, many are left unanswered.
The UAE has never experienced such a crisis before. It is the first severe economic downturn since the federation was formed in the early 1970s. Bankruptcy laws are underdeveloped, partly because they were never really needed. The importance of solid institutions is now clear and UAE's judicial system will be tested to its full extent.
Private companies operating in Dubai may have to seek legal action against developers, which in many cases might be state-owned or -linked enterprises. The success of Dubai in attracting foreign capital will also depend on how Dubai courts act and are perceived by the international community.
The similarities of the real-estate bubble in Dubai with those in other countries like the United States and Spain are enormous.

Only savings can allow for sustainable economic growth. Through inflation, credit flows excessively and distorts the production structure, allocating resources to projects that should have never existed in the first place and paving the way for the ensuing recession, that is, the adjustment of all the malinvestments. Entrepreneurs can and will make mistakes even in the absence of inflation. But it is only through undue monetary expansion that the distortion occurs on a massive scale throughout the economy.
By midyear 2009, whoever flew to Dubai with Emirates Airlines could also have been misled into thinking that credit was not a problem, as one of the airline's video promos before landing read, "Forget the credit crunch … shop."

Unfortunately, Dubai Inc. took its own words too seriously.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

رساله الى زيد الرفاعي كبير لصوص الاردن

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الى اللص الكبير والخائن الحقير والكهل الشرير الذي الى رحمه الله فقير ، لا حفظك الله ولارعاك، ولا أعز لك ملكا ولا ادام عليك ثروهعزيزنا اللص الكهل

اكتب اليك هذه السطور نيابه عن كل الافواه الجائعه التي تنام خاويه البطون وبطنك من اصناف الاطعمه والاشربه يئن ، وابعث لك باسم هؤلاء اطنانا من اللعنات مقرونه بكل استنكار وكره ونقمه ,متضرعين بصادق الدعاء إلى المولى العلي القدير أن يطيل عمرك ويزيل عزك وثروتك ويجعل رغيفك يجري امامك وانت تركض خلفه ولا تدركه, واساله عز وجل ان يقسي قلب ابناءك عليك وان يهجرك زوجك فتعيش ما تبيقى من عمرك وحيدا فقيرا الى اهلك وولدك, ويبقيك مثلا يتعض به كل اللصوص والمارقين من اسيادك الامراء واصحابك الوزراء وكل من امتدت يده ظلما لقوت الشعب الاردني .

عزيزنا العجوز البائس
لقد كرمك الله، جلت قدرته، ومنحك في حياتك عزا ما حلمت به ابدا وغمرك في حياتك بعطفه الكريم، ورعايته الدائمه الساميه واعزك وقد كنت ذليلا صاغرا,ولكنك شكرت غيره وعظمت خلقه وطاطات راسك لامائه من (( نساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رؤوسهن كاسنمه البخت المائله لا يدخلن الجنه ولا يجدن ريحها ))مثلك ان فارقت الدنيا على ما انت عليه ,وقد بذلت خلال حياتك قصارى جهدك لأن تكون عند حسن ظن من وزروك ، وفي مستوى ثقتهم الاسامية فعبدت البشر من دون خالقهم,فوقعت في غضب الله.
لقد عشت سنوات حياتك الطويلة ذليل النفس، معذب الضمير، مطأ طىء الرأس،لانك خنت الواجب والامانه، وقدمت كل ما أعانك الشيطان عليه في بيع المقدسات، لخدمة اولياء نعمتك الذين سميت باصحاب العروش الهاشميه الخالده، وما عرفت ان الخلود لا يكون الا لله وحده الذي لا عرش الا عرشه ملك العروش وكل العروش من دون عرشه هباء منثورا,ولا يسئل عن رحمه الا هو الله رب العرش العظيم .
وبعد هذه الخدمة التي تسميها طويلة والتي امتدت على مدى اثنين وخمسين عاما من السلب والنهب ،كان ينبغي عليك ان ترجو الله لا ان ترجو من اسميته بسيدك وانت ذو الشيب الازرق،وهو من جيل ابنائك وكان ينبغي عليك ان تلتمس الرحمه من الله بان يحسن ختامك وان تتوب اليه في ارذل عمرك وان تفيض عيناك من الدمع طالبا من المولى العزيز قبول توبتك وقبول استقالتك من عباده العبيد وعودتك الى عباده رب العبيد الحي الذي لا تغفل له عين عما يفعل عبيده.

كان عليك ان تبتهل إلى المولى، جل في عليائه، أن يتوب عليك، وأن يأخذ بيدك لما فيه مرضاته، وأن يكلل بالقبول والتوفيق توبتك اليه هذا ان كنت صحيحا تائبا بنيه صادقه وان تسعى الى رضاه، من أجل خاتمه حسنه وذنب مغفور، وجنات نعيم مع الفقراء والمساكين,واعلم يا من لا رحمك الله في الدنيا ان قبول الله لتوبتك ما زال مفتوحا ورحمته واسعه وسعت كل شي ولكن لها شروط ابينها لك لجهلك المطلق بهذه الامور ,ابينها لك باسم الاخوه الاسلاميه وصله للارحام فلا بد لي ولك ان نلتقي في فخد ماء لاننا ابناء الاردن وفلسطين نعود بالنسب الى بعضنا البعض.

ما عليك الا اتباع نصائحي هذه لك بالحرف والخطوه خاصه انك ما زلت تملك الملايين في حساباتك البنكيه وان ابناءك وبناتك حصدوا مثلها من المال العام المسروق :

1.الاخلاص في التوبه :ان تكون توبتك خالصه لله تعالى مقترنه بشجاعه مطلقه للاعتراف بالذنب امام الله (مع انك للشجاعه فقير, ولكنه اكثر الدعاء الى الله ان يمنحك الشجاعه ولو لمره اخيره في العمر )هذا ان كنت ممن يرجون لقاء الله.اما ان كنت من عبده الشيطان فلا ردك الله.

قال الله تعالى: {فَمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو لِقَاء رَبّهِ فَلْيَعْمَلْ عَمَلاً صَالِحاً وَلاَ يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبّهِ أَحَدَا} الكهف:110
2.الاعتراف بالذنب :عليك الاعتراف بما اقترفت يداك من ذنوب وانت تعلم وتعرف جيدا ما اقترفت يداك كثيره لا تعد ولا تحصى وساذكرك ببعضها على سبيل المثال لا على سبيل الحصر

· اقتحام معان وتقتيل العشرات من الناس الذين كانو يبحثون عن الخبز في ثوره الخبز تلك في عام 1990 والذي اصبح صعب المنال في عهدك الملعون .
· تسجيل الاف الدونمات من اراضي خزينه الدوله في الاغوار الوسطى باسم ابنتكم عاليه وما زالت واعفاءها من رسوم واثمان المياه والضرائب وشحن المحاصيل والخضار والفواكه على متن طائرات الملكيه الاردنيه الى اوروبا لبيعها وجني الارباح الطائله منها لا بل تعدى ذلك الى كل مزارع الدوله فاستوليتم على منتجاتها باسعار بخسه وصدرتها ابنتكم الى اوروبا .
· فضيحه بنك البتراء مع الجلبي وابناء الاسره الحاكمه وجني الملايين منها مما ادى في حينه الى انتكاسه الاقتصاد الاردني المعروفه وانخفاض الدينار الاردني الى الحضيض وما ترتب على ذلك من ارتفاع للدين الخارجي الذي بلغ في ذلك الحين 6 مليارات دينار.
· الاعتداء على المخزون الاستراتيجي للاردن من الذهب وبيعه في الاسواق العالميه باقل من قيمته الحقيقيه وكذلك ابتداع بدعه بيع جوازات السفر الاردنيه بشراكه مع اخو ام سمير سيء الذكر ابو ناصر سامي جوده والذي يحتاج لهذه التوبه مثلك فكن له من الناصحين .
· افلاس الاقراض الزراعي لاوامركم المتتاليه بسداد ديون اللصوص امثالكم وكذلك اعتداءكم واخيكم خالد على اموال شركه الفوسفات وتلزيم خالد الرفاعي اعمال مناوله في شركه الفوسفات بمبلغ 12 مليون دينار وتعيين غازي مديرا لصندوق التوفير البريدي وما نتج عن ذلك من فضائح ماليه وتعثر للصندوق.

3.:الاقلاع عن الذنب
كان ينبغي جعل هذه الاستقاله بنيه العوده الى الله والرجوع اليه ,جاهد نفسك المريضه لاقتلاع جذور المعاصي من قلبك فتصبح لك نفسا اخرى زكيه مدبره من الشر مقبله على الخير متعلقه به منتصره على شيطانك الاكبر الذي غلبك طيله سنوات عمرك ,فانك ان استطعت الانتصار على شيطانك هذا ستفوز في اخر العمر وارذله الذي ردك الله اليه .

وهو كما قال اهل العلم التحسر من تغيير رأي في امر فائت وهو ركن التوبه كما قال رسول الله (صلعم) ((الندم توبه))

5.:رد المظالم الى اهلها
سيكون هذا الجزء اصعب شي عليك لانك ستصفي على الحديده بس ولا يكون لك فكر ولا تدير بال ,الله ما بقطع ولا بيضيع وهو (الرزاق ذو القوه المتين ) فكما تعلم ان شعب الاردن الان على الحديده ,ابحث بنفسك عن كل محتاج ومسكين ووزعك ما لديك من ثروه عليهم حتى لا تبقي لنفسك شيئا ,وزعك كل مالك فكل مال اتى من حرام واعلم وتيقن واعمل بما قاله رسول الله (صلعم)
" من كانت عنده مظلمة لأخيه فليتحلله منها ، فإنه ليس ثم دينار ولا درهم، من قبل أن يؤخذ لأخيه من حسناته، فإن لم يكن له حسنات أخذ من سيئات أخيه فطرحت عليه "

6.واخيرا اياك اياك اياك والتاخير فانك ما تدري ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدري باي ارض تموت واعلم ((ان الله عنده علم الساعه وينزل الغيث ويعلم ما في الارحام وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وما تدري نفس باي ارض تموت ان الله عليم خبير)) صدق الله العظيم _لقمان ايه 43
والله ولي التوفيق .

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Crash, Panic & War of 2010

Some two decades ago, it was decided by the global financial elites that the framework for the global economy shall consist of:
1) A global derivative-based financial system, controlled by the US Federal Reserve Bank and its associate global banks in the developed countries.
2) The re-location from the West to the East in the production of goods, principally to China and India to “feed” the developed economies.
The entire system was built on a simple principle, that of a FED-controlled global reserve currency which will be the engine for growth for the global economy. It is essentially an imperialist economic principle.
Once we grasp this fundamental truth, Bernanke's boast that the “US can produce as many US dollars as it wishes at no cost” takes on a different dimension.
I have talked to so many economists and when asked what is the crux of the present financial problem, they all respond in unison, “it is the global imbalances... the West consumes too much while the East saves too much and consumes not enough”. This is exemplified by the huge US trade deficits on the one part and China's massive surpluses on the other.
Incredible wisdom and almost everyone echoes this mantra. The recent concluded APEC Summit was no different. This mantra was repeated as well as the call for freer trade between trading nations.
This is a grand hoax. All the current leaders on the world's stage are corrupted to the rotten core and as such have no interest to call a spade a spade and expose the inherent contradictions within the existing financial system.
The call for a multi-polar world is meaningless when the entire global financial system is based on the unipolar US dollar reserve currency. This is the inherent contradiction within the present system and the problems associated with it cannot be resolved by another global reserve currency based on the IMF's Special Drawing Rights as advocated by some countries. It was stillborn, the very moment it was conceived!
The leaders of China, Japan and the oil producing countries of the Middle East are all cursing and pissing about the current situation, but they don't have the courage of their convictions to spell it out to their countrymen that they have been conned by the financial spin masters from the Fed acting on the instructions from Goldman Sachs.
Tell me which leader would dare admit that they have exchanged the nation's wealth for toilet papers?
The toilet paper currency pantomime continues.
We have now reached a stalemate in the current currency war, not unlike the situation of the Cold War between the NATO pact countries and the Warsaw pact countries. Both sides were deterred by the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine of nuclear wars. The costs to both sides were horrendous and it was only when the Soviet Union could not continue with the pace and cost of maintaining a nuclear deterrent and was forced into bankruptcy that the balance tilted in favour of the NATO alliance.
But it was a pyrrhic victory for the US and it allies. What kept the ability of the US to maintain its military might and outspend the Soviet Union was the right to print toilet paper currency and the acceptance of the US dollar by her allies as the world's reserve currency.
But why did the countries allied to the US during the Cold War accepted the status quo?
Simple! They were all conned into believing that without the protection of Big Brother and its military outreach, they would be swallowed up by the communist menace. They agreed to march to the tune of the US Pied-Piper.
The next big question – why did the so-called “liberated” former communist allies of the Soviet bloc jump on the bandwagon?
Simple! They all believed in the illusion that was fostered by the global banks, led by Goldman Sachs that trading and selling their goods and services for the toilet paper US reserve currency would ensure untold wealth and prosperity.
But the biggest game in town was the Asia gambit. Japan, after a decade of recession following the burst of her property bubble did not have the means and the capacity to bring the game to the next level as envisaged by the financial architects in Goldman Sachs.
And China was the biggest beneficiary. The senior management of Goldman Sachs brokered a secret pact with China's leaders that in exchange for orchestrating the most massive injection of US dollar capital and wholesale re-location of manufacturing capacity in the history of the global economy, China would recycle their hard-earned US toilet paper reserve currency wealth into US treasuries and other US debt instruments.
This was the necessary condition precedent for the global financial casino to rise to the next level of play.
The New Game
The financial architects at Goldman Sachs had a master plan – to dominate the global financial system. The means to achieve this financial power was the Shadow Banking System, the lynchpin being the derivative market and the securitization of assets, real and synthetic. The stakes would be huge, in the hundreds of US$ trillions and the way to transform the market was through massive leverage at all levels of the financial game.
But there was an inherent weakness in the overall scheme – the threat of inflation, more precisely hyperinflation. Such huge amounts of liquidity in the system would invariably trigger the depreciation of the reserve currency and the confidence in the system.
Hence the need for a system to keep in check price inflation and the illusion that the purchasing power of the toilet paper reserve currency could be maintained.
This is where China came in. Once China became the world's factory, the problem would be resolved. When a suit which previously cost US$600 could be had for less than US$100, and a pair of shoes for less than US$5, the scam masterminds concluded that there would be no foreseeable threat to the largest casino operation in history.
China agreed to the exchange as it has over a billion mouths to feed and jobs for hundreds of millions needed to be secured, without which the system could not be maintained. But China was pragmatic enough to have two “economic systems” – a Yuan based domestic economy and a US$ based export economy, in the hope that the profits and benefits of the export economy would enable China to transform and establish a viable and dynamic domestic market which in time would replace the export dependent economy. It was a deal made with the devil, but there were no viable alternative options at the material time, more so after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The Next Level of the Game
The next level of the game was reached when the toilet paper reserve currency literally went virtual – through the simple operation of a click of the mouse in the computers of the global banks.
The big boys at Goldman Sachs and other global banks were more than content to leave Las Vegas for the mafia and their miserable billions in turnover. The profits were considered dimes when compared to the hundreds of trillions generated by the virtual casino. It was a financial conquest beyond their wildest dreams. They even called themselves, “Master of the Universe”. Creating massive debts was the new game, and the big boys could even leverage more than 40 times capital! Asset values soared with so much liquidity chasing so few good assets.
However, the financial wizards failed to appreciate and or underestimate the amount of financial products that were needed to keep the game in play. They resorted to financial engineering – the securitization of assets. And when real assets were insufficient for securitization, synthetic assets were created. Soon enough, toxic waste was even considered as legitimate instruments for the game so long as it could be unloaded to greedy suckers with no recourse to the originators of these so-called investments.
For a time, it looked as if the financial wizards have solved the problem of how to feed the global casino monster.
Unfortunately, the music stopped and the bubble burst! And as they say the rest is history.
The Goldman Sachs Remedy
When losses are in the US$ trillions and whatever assets / capital remaining are in the US$ billions, we have a huge problem – a financial black-hole.
The preferred remedy by the financial masterminds at Goldman Sachs was to create another hoax – that if the big global banks were to fail triggering a systemic collapse, there would be Armageddon. These “too big to fail” banks must be injected with massive amount of virtual monies to recapitalize and get rid of the toxic assets on their balance sheet. The major central banks in the developed countries in cahoots with Goldman Sachs sang the same tune. All sorts of schemes were conjured to legitimize this bailout.
In essence, what transpired was the mere transfer of monies from the left pocket to the right pocket, with the twist that the banks were in fact helping the Government to overcome the financial crisis.
The Fed and key central banks agreed to lend “virtual monies” to the “too big to fail” global banks at zero or near zero interest rate and these banks in turn would “deposit” these monies with the Fed and other central banks at agreed interest rates. These transactions are all mere book entries. Other “loans” from the Fed and central banks (again at zero or near zero interest rates) are used to purchase government debts, these debts being the stimulus monies needed to revive the real economy and create jobs for the growing unemployed. So in essence, these banks are given “free money” to lend to the government at prior agreed interest rates with no risks at all. It is a hoax!
These “monies” are not even the dollar bills, but mere book entries created out of thin air.
So when the Fed injects US$ trillions into the banking system, it merely credits the amount in the accounts of the “too big to fail” banks at the Fed.
When the system is applied to international trade, the same modus operandi is used to pay for the goods imported from China, Japan etc.
For the rest of world, when buying goods denominated in US$, these countries must produce goods and services, sell them for dollars in order to purchase goods needed in their country. Simply put, they have to earn an income to purchase whatever goods and services needed. In contrast, all that the US needs to do is to create monies out of thin air and use them to pay for their imports!
The US can get away with this scam because it has the military muscle to compel and enforce this hoax. As stated earlier, this status quo was accepted especially during the Cold War and with some reluctance post the collapse of the Soviet Union, but with a proviso – that the US agrees to be the consumer of last resort. This arrangement provided some comfort because countries which have sold their goods to the US, can now use the dollars to buy goods from other countries as more than 80 per cent of world trade is denominated in dollars especially crude oil, the lifeline of the global economy.
But with the US in full bankruptcy and its citizens (the largest consumers in the world) being unable to borrow further monies to buy fancy goods from China, Japan and the rest of the world, the demand for dollar has evaporated. The dollar status as a reserve currency and its usefulness is being questioned more vocally.
The End Game
The present fallout can be summarized in simple terms:
Should a bankrupt country (the US) be allowed to use money created out of thin air to pay for goods produced with the sweat and tears of hardworking citizens of exporting countries? Adding insult to injury, the same dollars are now purchasing a lot less than before. So what is the use of being paid in a currency that is losing rapidly its value?
On the other hand, the US is telling the whole world, especially the Chinese that if they are not happy with the status quo, there is nothing to stop them from selling to the other countries and accepting their currencies. But if they want to sell to the mighty USA, they must accept US toilet paper reserve currency and its right to create monies out of thin air!
This is the ultimate poker game and whosoever blinks first loses and will suffer irreparable financial consequences. But who has the winning hand?
The US does not have the winning hand. Neither has China the winning hand.
This state of affairs cannot continue for long, for whatever cards the US or China may be contemplating to throw at the table to gain strategic advantage, any short term gains will be pyrrhic, for it will not be able to address the underlying antagonistic contradictions.
When the survival of the system is dependent on the availability of credit (i.e. accumulating more debts) it is only a matter of time before both the debtor and creditor come to the inevitable conclusion that the debt will never be paid. And unless the creditor is willing to write off the debt, resorting to drastic means to collect the outstanding debt is inevitable.
It would be naïve to think that the US would quietly allow itself to be foreclosed! When we reach that stage, war will be inevitable. It will be the US-UK-Israel Axis against the rest of the world.
The Prelude to the End Game
The US economy will be spiraling out of control in the coming months and will reach critical point by the end of the 1st quarter 2010 and implode by the 2nd quarter.
The massive US$ trillions of dollars stimulus has failed to turn the economy around. The massive blood transfusion may have kept the patient alive, but there are numerous signs of multi-organ failure.
There will be another wave of foreclosures of residential and more importantly commercial properties by end December and early 2010. And the foreclosed properties in 2009 will lead to depressed prices once they come through the pipeline. Home and commercial property values will plunge. Banks' balance sheets will turn ugly and whatever “record profits” in the last two quarters of 2009 will not cover the additional red ink.
Given the above situation, will the Fed continue to buy mortgage-backed securities to prop up the markets? The Fed has already spent trillions buying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages with no potential substitute buyer in sight. Therefore, the Fed's balance sheet is as toxic as the “too big to fail” banks that it rescued.
In the circumstances, it makes no sense for anyone to assert that the worst is over and that the global economy is on the road to recovery.
And the surest sign that all is not well with the big banks is the recent speech by the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William Dudley at Princeton, New Jersey when he said that the Fed would curtail the risk of future liquidity crisis by providing a “backstop” to solvent firms with sufficient collateral.
This warning and assurance deserves further consideration. Firstly, it is a contradiction to state that a solvent firm with sufficient collateral would in fact encounter a liquidity crisis to warrant the need for a fall back on the Fed. It is in fact an admission that banks are not sufficiently capitalized and when the second wave of the tsunami hits them again, confidence will be sorely lacking.
Dudley actually said that, “the central bank could commit to being the lender of last resort... [and this would reduce] the risk of panics sparked by uncertainty among lenders about what other creditors think”.
To put it bluntly what he is saying is that the Fed will endeavour to avoid the repeat of the collapse of Bear Stearns, Lehman Bros and AIG. It is also an indication that the remaining big banks are in trouble.
It is interesting to note that a Bloomberg report in early November revealed that Citigroup Inc and JP Morgan Chase have been hoarding cash. The former has almost doubled its cash holdings to US$244.2 billion. In the case of the latter, the cash hoard amounted to US$453.6 billion. Yet, given this hoarding by the leading banks, the New York Federal Reserve Bank had to reassure the financial community that it is ready to inject massive liquidity to prop up the system.
It should come as no surprise that the value of the dollar is heading south.
When currencies are being debased, volatility in the stock market increases. But the gains are not worth the risks and if anyone is still in the market, they will be wiped out by the 1st quarter of 2010. The S&P may have shot up since the beginning of the year by over 25 per cent but it has been out-performed by gold. The gains have also lagged behind the official US inflation rate. It has in fact delivered a total return after inflation of approximately minus 25 per cent. When Meredith Whitney remarked that, “I don't know what's going on in the market right now, because it makes no sense to me”, it is time to get out of the market fast.
In a report to its clients, Société Générale warned that public debt would be massive in the next two years – 105 per cent of GDP in the UK, 125 per cent in the US and in Europe and 270 per cent in Japan. Global debt would reach US$45 trillion.
At some point in time, all these debts must be repaid. How will these debts be repaid?
If we go by what Bernanke has been preaching and practising, it means more toilet paper currency will be created to repay the debts.
As a result, debasement of currencies will continue and this will further aggravate existing tensions between the competing economies. And when creditors have enough of this toilet paper scam, expect violent reactions!

التطبيع ولعب مبارة كرة قدم مع اسرائيل هو الحل

نعم هذه دعوة صريحة ومباشرة للتطبيع الفوري مع إسرائيل، ولنبدأ بمبارة كرة قدم "ودية" فورا معها، على أن نخطط استراتيجيا لإنشاء مجموعة رياضية جديدة للشرق الأوسط تضم دول شمال أفريقيا، للمنافسة على كأس العالم، وأن تقتصرمجموعة أفريقيا على الدول جنوب الصحراء الكبري. بذلك تدخل الدول العربية ومنها مصر مع إسرائيل في مجموعة رياضية واحدة، وهكذا تدخل إسرائيل طرفا في تصفيات رياضية عالمية كل سنتين مع الدول العربية، مرة كأس عالم، ومرة كاس منطقة وهكذا.. عندئذ يمكن شحن الجماهير العربية خصوصا في مصر والجزائر، ضد إسرائيل، وتستعيد تلك الجماهير شعورها الوطني تجاه قضيتها "المنسية" فلسطين، ويمكنها حرق علم إسرائيل "براحتها" في حماية الأمن المركزي بدلا من ضربه، ويمكن للإعلام المصري "الوطني جدا" أن يهاجم إسرائيل ليل نهار دون قيود أو رقابة أو حذف، وأخيرا فسيتمكن النظام الحاكم من إعلان التعبئة القومية ضد إسرائيل دون التعرض للوم أو "قرصة ودن" أمريكية، عندئذ فقط يمكن الأمل في تحرير القدس المحتلة والانتقام للأسرى المصريين الذين قتلتهم إسرائيل، واعترفت بذلك ببجاحة.
سيكون من السهل حينئذ استدعاء ماتم تسكينه وتخديره من مشاعر العداء ضد عدو الأمس واليوم، ولن يملك المجتمع الدولي أن يلوم مصر أو الجزائر على أي أعمال عدوانية ضد المصالح الإسرائيلية في كل من البلدين، فالأمر أولا وأخيرا في ظل المنافسة الرياضية. من هنا تستعيد القضية الفلسطينية حيويتها ويبدأ مسار رياضي لتحرير القدس المحتلة بعد فشل المسارات السياسية المتعددة والمملة.
في القرن الواحد والعشرين قام كل من النظام الحاكم المصري ونظيره الجزائري، بإعادة اكتشاف معاني العزة الوطنية والدفاع عن حقوق الشعب المغتصبة. لقد تعلمت الجماهير في كل من البلدين معاني الشرف الوطني والعزة القومية من خلال التضحية بدم المصابين المصريين في معركة أم درمان بالسودان على يد الكوماندوز الجزائريين المتخفيين!!، وطبعا لم يكن ليفلح فيلق الإبرار الجوي المصري من الفنانين والإعلاميين والحال كذلك.
لم تقتصر الدروس المستفادة من معركة مبارة مصر والجزائر على إعادة اكتشاف مدى "غلاوة" دم الشعب وكرامته هنا أو هناك، حتى ولو كانت مجرد إصابات يحدث أضعاف أضعافها في شوارع مصر يوميا في "الخناقات" العادية بين الفتوات، أو في أقسام البوليس أثناء التحقيقات "الإنسانية جدا"، أو كانت مجازر جماعية في الجبال والقرى النائية بالجزائر في الصراع على السلطة منذ النجاح المدوي الذي حققه الإسلاميون ديموقراطيا في تسعينيات القرن الماضي، ذلك النجاح الذي استدعى تدخل الجيش الفرنسي/الجزائري لقمع تلك الجريمة الديموقراطية الشنعاء، وطبعا تعلم الإسلاميون المصريون والعرب عموما ذلك الدرس، وعلموا أنهم بالديموقراطية وبغيرها لن "يشموا" ريحة الحكم!!.
أخيرا اكتشف النظام المصري قوة مؤسسة الرئاسة عندما أعلنت التعبئة ضد الجزائر دفاعا عن شعب مصر، واكتشفت الدبلوماسية المصرية "الخرعة" رجولتها حين سحبت السفير المصري تعبيرا قويا عن مسئولية النظام المصري عن شعبه. ولنتذكر أن نفس النظام لم يتعرف على تلك المسئولية على أثر تكرار قتل جنود الأمن المركزي على الحدود بالنيران الإسرائيلية من حين لآخر، أو قصف الأراضي المصرية في رفح المصرية أثناء محرقة غزة على يد الجيش الإسرائيلي، مع غض النظر عن معنى تلك المحرقة، حيث اعتبرها النظام المصري شأن فلسطيني داخلي مع جيرانهم الإسرائيليين. من هنا تأتي وجاهة الدعوة إلى قيام علاقات رياضية فورا مع إسرائيل، باعتبار الرياضة وسيلة لاستعادة قوة الدبلوماسية المصرية في الحسم والجدية في التعامل مع الشقيقة إسرائيل، فربما يتذكر النظام المصري من خلال الشرف القومي الرياضي معاني الوطنية والعروبة كما فعل بمباراة الجزائر.
نعم، التطبيع الفورى مع إسرائيل والبدء بمبارة كرة قدم، هو الأمل في تحرير القدس وإعلانها عاصمة الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة، والتطبيع هو الأمل في تفادي الهجمة الشرسة التي يقوم بها الانعزاليون المصريون ضد العروبة ثقافة وتاريخا والتطبيع هو الأمل في توحيد صفوف المصريين وتناسي بواعث الفتنة الطائفية.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Only One Question To Humanity

I’d like to share with you some questions--some flies that keep buzzing in my head.
Is justice right side up?
Has world justice been frozen in an upside-down position?
The shoe-thrower of Iraq, the man who hurled his shoes at Bush, was condemned to three years in prison. Doesn’t he deserve, instead, a medal?
Who is the terrorist? The hurler of shoes or their recipient? Is not the real terrorist the serial killer who, lying, fabricated the Iraq war, massacred a multitude, and legalized and ordered torture?
Who are the guilty ones--the people of Atenco, in Mexico, the indigenous Mapuches of Chile, the Kekchies of Guatemala, the landless peasants of Brazil—all being accused of the crime of terrorism for defending their right to their own land? If the earth is sacred, even if the law does not say so, aren’t its defenders sacred too?
According to Foreign Policy Magazine, Somalia is the most dangerous place in the world. But who are the pirates? The starving people who attack ships or the speculators of Wall Street who spent years attacking the world and who are now rewarded with many millions of dollars for their pains?
Why does the world reward its ransackers?
Why is justice a one-eyed blind woman? Wal-Mart, the most powerful corporation on earth, bans trade unions. McDonald's, too. Why do these corporations violate, with criminal impunity, international law? Is it because in this contemporary world of ours, work is valued as lower than trash and workers' rights are valued even less?
Who are the righteous and who are the villains? If international justice really exists, why are the powerful never judged? The masterminds of the worst butcheries are never sent to prison. Is it because it is these butchers themselves who hold the prison keys?
What makes the five nations with veto power in the United Nations inviolable? Is it of a divine origin, that veto power of theirs? Can you trust those who profit from war to guard the peace?
Is it fair that world peace is in the hands of the very five nations who are also the world’s main producers of weapons? Without implying any disrespect to the drug runners, couldn’t we refer to this arrangement as yet another example of organized crime?
Those who clamor, everywhere, for the death penalty are strangely silent about the owners of the world. Even worse, these clamorers forever complain about knife-wielding murderers, yet say nothing about missile-wielding arch-murderers.
And one asks oneself: Given that these self-righteous world owners are so enamored of killing, why pray don’t they try to aim their murderous proclivities at social injustice? Is it a just a world when, every minute, three million dollars are wasted on the military, while at the same time fifteen children perish from hunger or curable disease? Against whom is the so-called international community armed to the teeth? Against poverty or against the poor?
Why don’t the champions of capital punishment direct their ire at the values of the consumer society, values which pose a daily threat to public safety? Or doesn’t, perhaps, the constant bombardment of advertising constitute an invitation to crime? Doesn’t that bombardment numb millions and millions of unemployed or poorly paid youth, endlessly teaching them the lie that “to be = to have,” that life derives its meaning from ownership of such things as cars or brand name shoes? Own, own, they keep saying, implying that he who has nothing is, himself, nothing.
Why isn’t the death penalty applied to death itself? The world is organized in the service of death. Isn’t it true that the military industrial complex manufactures death and devours the greater part of our resources as well as a good part of our energies? Yet the owners of the world only condemn violence when it is exercised by others. To extraterrestrials, if they existed, such monopoly of violence would appear inexplicable. It likewise appears insupportable to earth dwellers who, against all the available evidence, hope for survival: we humans are the only animals who specialize in mutual extermination, and who have developed a technology of destruction that is annihilating, coincidentally, our planet and all its inhabitants.
This technology sustains itself on fear. It is the fear of enemies that justifies the squandering of resources by the military and police. And speaking about implementing the death penalty, why don’t we pass a death sentence on fear itself? Would it not behoove us to end this universal dictatorship of the professional scaremongers? The sowers of panic condemn us to loneliness, keeping solidarity outside our reach: falsely teaching us that we live in a dog-eat-dog world, that he who can must crush his fellows, that danger is lurking behind every neighbor. Watch out, they keep saying, be careful, this neighbor will steal from you, that other one will rape you, that baby carriage hides a Muslim bomb, and that woman who is watching you--that innocent-looking neighbor of yours—will surely infect you with swine flu.
In this upside-down world, they are making us afraid of even the most elementary acts of justice and common sense. When President Evo Morales started to re-build Bolivia, so that his country with its indigenous majority will no longer feel shame facing a mirror, his actions provoked panic. Morales’ challenge was indeed catastrophic from the traditional standpoint of the racist order, whose beneficiaries felt that theirs was the only possible option for Bolivia. It was Evo, they felt, who ushered in chaos and violence, and this alleged crime justified efforts to blow up national unity and break Bolivia into pieces. And when President Correa of Ecuador refused to pay the illegitimate debts of his country, the news caused terror in the financial world and Ecuador was threatened with dire punishment, for daring to set such a bad example. If the military dictatorships and roguish politicians have always been pampered by international banks, have we not already conditioned ourselves to accept it as our inevitable fate that the people must pay for the club that hits them and for the greed the plunders them?
But, have common sense and justice always been divorced from each other?
Were not common sense and justice meant to walk hand in hand, intimately linked?
Aren’t common sense, and also justice, in accord with the feminist slogan which states that if we, men, had to go through pregnancy, abortion would have been free. Why not legalize the right to have an abortion? Is it because abortion will then cease being the sole privilege of the women who can afford it and of the physicians who can charge for it?
The same thing is observed with another scandalous case of denial of justice and common sense: why aren’t drugs legal? Is this not, like abortion, a public health issue? And the very same country that counts in its population more drug addicts than any other country in the world, what moral authority does it have to condemn its drug suppliers? And why don’t the mass media, in their dedication to the war against the scourge of drugs, ever divulge that it is Afghanistan which single-handedly satisfies just about all the heroin consumed in the world? Who rules Afghanistan? Is it not militarily occupied by a messianic country which conferred upon itself the mission of saving us all?
Why aren’t drugs legalized once and for all? Is it because they provide the best pretext for military invasions, in addition to providing the juiciest profits to the large banks who, in the darkness of night, serve as money-laundering centers?
Nowadays the world is sad because fewer vehicles are sold. One of the consequences of the global crisis is a decline of the otherwise prosperous car industry. Had we some shred of common sense, a mere fragment of a sense of justice, would we not celebrate this good news?
Could anyone deny that a decline in the number of automobiles is good for nature, seeing that she will end up with a bit less poison in her veins? Could anyone deny the value of this decline in car numbers to pedestrians, seeing that fewer of them will die?
Here’s how Lewis Carroll’s queen explained to Alice how justice is dispensed in a looking-glass world:
“There’s the King’s Messenger. He’s in prison now, being punished: and the trial doesn’t begin until next Wednesday: and of course the crime comes last of all.”
In El Salvador, Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero found that justice, like a snake, only bites barefoot people. He died of gunshot wounds, for proclaiming that in his country the dispossessed were condemned from the very start, on the day of their birth.
Couldn’t the outcome of the recent elections in El Salvador be viewed, in some ways, as a homage to Archbishop Romero and to the thousands who, like him, died fighting for right-side-up justice in this reign of injustice?
At times the narratives of History end badly, but she, History itself, never ends. When she says goodbye, she only says: I’ll be back.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dubai : A City Built With The Sweat Of Slaves

by The Economist July 9th, 2009

When things go swimmingly, few people seem to mind being run bybenevolent autocrats. When things get sticky, they are less obliging
IT WAS once hailed as a miracle. New cities, even new islands, werespringing out of the desert or the shimmering turquoise sea. Nowadays,ten months after the financial crisis came crashing in on the UnitedArab Emirates (UAE), nearly destroying its shiniest component, Dubai,hundreds of cranes and dredgers have yet to resume work. The QueenElizabeth II, once the world's smartest liner, due to become yetanother posh Dubai hotel, is a sleeping quayside hulk. Nothing ishappening on three of the most recently man-made islands shaped likepalm trees off Dubai's coast that were the latest flashy projects ofNakheel, the emirate's shaky real-estate developer.
These days, despite defiant protestations of resilience, no one seemsto know when the sweet breeze will return. The UAE is still in thedoldrums. For the first time since the seven Gulf statelets joinedtogether as a union in 1971, people are beginning to mutter--ratherquietly, for sure-- whether there may be something amiss with theautocratic, opaque system that hitherto seemed to work so well behindclosed doors. "Nobody really knows what any of the statistics are,"says a Western analyst. "We haven't seen the half of it yet," says aWestern banker, referring to the debt and the possible defaults. It isnotable that almost nobody in business or government is prepared totalk publicly. Cohorts of public-relations people surround the bigwigsand shield them from scrutiny.
In the past few weeks it has become clear, nonetheless, that the bottomhas yet to be reached. Standard & Poor's (S&P), a credit-ratingagency, has issued a string of recent gloomy assessments, downgradingfour Dubai-based banks and noting that "the risk to Dubai's economy hasincreased as the real-estate sector has entered a sharp correctionperiod." Property values are still about half what they were a yearago.
Some foreign building and dredging companies have not been paid formonths, and some Dubai companies are offering to pay them onlypartially. S&P grimly notes the "increased uncertainty regardingthe government's willingness to provide support to Nakheel, a keygovernment-related entity with sizeable repayments coming due at theend of this year." The amount is $3.5 billion. A visiting British trademinister took the rare step, on July 4th, of publicly declaring, whileinsisting that Dubai would bounce back, that British contractors andsuppliers "need to be paid". Earlier this year a leading Dubai figuresaid that the statelet's consolidated debt was around $80 billion, butno one has issued a detailed breakdown of accounts; only a minority ofDubai companies are listed. Others say that the true sum of debt may becloser to $120 billion.
In February Dubai's department of finance issued the first $10 billionchunk of a bond totalling $20 billion to help stave off the creditors,open new lines of credit and reschedule debt. Now, at a time wheninternational banks are still loth to lend, it has been reported thatthe second chunk will be guaranteed by the UAE's government. More maystill be needed.
It is not clear who is in charge--apart from Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashidal-Maktoum, Dubai's ruler (pictured above), whose big interest isracehorses. He appointed a respected local man, Nasser al-Shaikh, totake over the department of finance and sort out the crisis. It wasreckoned that, for a start, he would be empowered to identify the sizeof the debt, both commercial and government (often one and the same)and the extent of Dubai's toxic assets. But in May he was summarily andmysteriously sacked. Some think he was blocked from looking too closelyinto the accounts at Nakheel, among other firms. Otherwise theold-guard management of Dubai--and the UAE--is still pretty intact. Noone has been held responsible.
PUTTING YOUR HANDS OVER YOUR EARSThe two buzz words in Dubai's business and media circles are "denial"and "bail-out". A persistent complaint is that the authorities--inparticular, the ruling family of Dubai and its acolytes, led by SheikhMuhammad--took far too long to recognise the gravity of the crisis whenit broke in September. "They were splashing about in the water whenthey should have been swimming across the channel," says anotherWestern banker. In October Nakheel was still parading grandiosedevelopment schemes. It was not until January that Sheikh Muhammadsummoned Dubai's top businessmen and ministers to take stock and plan arecovery. For months the Maktoums seemed to be in denial.
In the short run, the much richer and more conservative state of AbuDhabi, with 90% of the UAE's oil reserves, will bail out its miscreant,extravagant neighbour, along with the other five, poorer statelets ifthey need help too. "In the long run, Dubai has enough assets to tideit over," says a banker in Abu Dhabi, pointing to Dubai's hugecontainer trans-shipment business, its airline, aluminium smelter,tourism, and role as a regional services hub. Above all, Dubai and AbuDhabi are too enmeshed to allow one part to fail.
Indeed, the Dubai disaster may prompt Dubai's Maktoum family and AbuDhabi's ruling Nahyans to strengthen the federation and work towards asystem of greater accountability and openness. A half-appointed FederalNational Council is toothless, though it can now call ministers beforeit. The legal system, including commercial law, is weak; there is noproper bankruptcy code; there is no real tax base-- nobody pays tax onhis personal income.
Above all, in the words of a longtime adviser to the government, "youhave a confusion between government and commercial operations. There isnobody in Dubai in government who isn't first and foremost abusinessman." There are "massive conflicts of interest" across theboard. "There are no checks and balances...the incentives for sayingnothing are great."
Abu Dhabi is ahead of Dubai in terms of government openness andefficiency. But in both the emirates all the big decisions are stilltaken behind closed doors. In the mild words of a diplomat, "neitherAbu Dhabi nor Dubai are very good at clarity in decision-making." Vitaldecisions are often not put in writing.
The aim of the two ruling families has been to modernise and open upthe economy without modernising or opening up the politics to theextent that the people might one day dispense with their royal rulers.In the short run, there seems little chance of that happening. Theexpatriates who manage much of business have little say in the runningof the place, but are generally content to live well and ask noquestions about delicate matters of state. An English-languagenewspaper, the NATIONAL, backed by the Nahyans, has opened a healthyspace for discussion, though royal scandals or provocative words like"bail-out" or "in denial" are virtually taboo.
The indigenous emiratis, who count for less than a fifth of the 5mpeople living in the UAE, have hitherto been mollycoddled by benevolentrulers. In a couple of years, a recovery may ensue. A resurgence of oilprices is helping. But if the economy gets stuck, the glory days, atleast of the Maktoums, may be numbered.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ponzi Scheme Dubai-Style

Dubai property scandal claim emerges amid media blackout
Fake picture allegations and a member of the ruling family linked to a £428 million Dubai property row that has touched nerves across the city
By Heerkani Chohan
Thursday, 28 May 2009

There is much heavy construction across Dubai?s Jumeirah Lakes Towers development

“Fake” pictures are at the heart of a property scandal that could harm the reputation of the once-booming real estate market in Dubai.
A major property development firm with links to the ruling family of the UAE city-state, and the firm’s marketing agency, are accused by investors, many of whom are UK citizens, of obtaining millions of pounds through the use of false construction photographs.
On Thursday, after local and regional media had been alerted to the situation by angry investors, news agencies across the city said they were silenced by senior representatives of the Government of Dubai, as orders were issued for reports of the storm to be pulled.

Around 500 property buyers of varying nationalities collectively purchased three planned tower blocks named Ebony 1, Ivory 1 and Ivory 2 in the Jumeirah Lakes Towers area of the Gulf city last year from property development firm Al Fajer Properties, at a total cost of £428 million.
The firm is part of the Al Fajer Group, ran by company president Sheikh Maktoum bin Hasher Al Maktoum, brother-in-law to the supreme ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
But at the weekend it was claimed that Al Fajer Properties and its marketing agent Dynasty Zarooni misled their customers into parting with millions of pounds by presenting photographs showing construction of three buildings, purported to be Ebony 1, Ivory 1 and Ivory 2, up to the sixth storey.
In fact the photographs were of buildings on neighbouring plots. Today, the plots on which Ebony 1, Ivory 1 and Ivory 2 are to be built, are empty holes in the ground, as our photographs show.
“I only handed over my money because I was shown property under construction,” said UK-based Ebony and Ivory Investor’s group spokesperson Moses Oye. “That’s my simple gripe. It’s a black and white issue.”
Mr Oye, who has parted with a little over £1 million – 20% of his total purchase price – had made the seven-hour flight from London to Dubai specifically to chair a press conference to raise awareness of the mess, after official government channels failed to take action.
“We have not sought legal representation as yet,” My Oye said, “because we have tried to square this correctly. The next step will be to go legal.”
However, the press conference was cancelled at the last minute by the hotel where it was to be held, citing “health and safety reasons.” The hotel, Dubai’s Mina A’Salam, is owned by Dubai Holdings, a Dubai government-controlled holding company.
“I asked for the reason to be put in writing, but the hotel refused,” Mr Oye said. “So I asked for a suite. But they said they did not have anything. I personally believe that the powers that be cancelled the meeting.” When contacted, Mina A’Salam management did not respond.
The conference was called to highlight a petition signed by the 500-strong investor’s group urging the Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Agency (Rera), the government body which oversees the Dubai property market, to force Al Fajer Properties to refund the £86 million that has to date been collected by the firm from investors in the three towers.
After the meeting was axed, news agencies were called to a neighbouring hotel to be told of the escalating situation. But when reports began to surface on news websites, news agencies received phonecalls from senior Dubai government figures ordering them to be pulled.
“I had written half of the article when I was told by my editor to stop,” said a Dubai-based national newspaper reporter who attempted to cover the story. “The investor’s group have records of payment, and it’s obvious that they have been shafted, but we can’t write about it.”
The lack of progress on the three towers is a source of deep concern for the investors. Many real estate projects across Dubai were put on hold or cancelled as the torrent of easy credit that fuelled rampant development in the city ran dry with the onset of the global financial crisis.
“Whether Al Fajer are still going to construct or not is neither here nor there,” Mr Oye said. “They would not have got my money if they had not shown me fraudulent pictures.” Al Fajer Properties also declined to comment.
Fellow investor’s group spokesperson Atul Patel, who has parted with £600,000 added: “A lot of people would not have bought had they not thought the project was in an advanced stage of construction.”
The pictures also appeared in an advertising campaign in a Dubai-based national newspaper last July, with the caption, “Shot at location on 10th June 2008. Ebony & Ivory - Jumeirah Lakes Towers.” The two page spread included the seals of Dynasty Zaronni and Al Fajer Properties. Dynasty Zarooni also neglected to comment.
The news will further dampen the spirits of the once-booming Dubai real estate market – a vital facet of the city’s economy. Last year a number of senior executives from major property developers across the city were arrested in a high-profile fraud clampdown as the government sought to clean up the property sector.
With it, the global recession has brought a host of new problems. Many construction firms operating in the city, some of which are UK-based, are owed millions of pounds by Dubai property developers struggling with a lack of liquidity.
Among them is UK engineering giant WSP. The firm’s finance director Peter Gill revealed that the firm is owed £28 million by Dubai-based developers, some controlled by the city’s government.
Dubai’s property market has been likened by some to a giant ponzi scheme, where bigger and more grandiose projects were announced in a bid to keep investment rolling in until the financial crisis tamed the city’s galloping development.
At Cityscape Dubai, a major property exhibition held last October, government-controlled developer Nakheel, responsible for the giant palm tree shaped islands off the coast of Dubai, announced it was to build the world’s first 1km high tower. The Nakheel Tower – if ever built – will eclipse the current world’s tallest building, Dubai’s own Burj Dubai.
Meanwhile, state-owned developer Meraas unveiled a mammoth £16.3 billion development called Jumeirah Gardens, to be built in place of an existing residential area in the city.
Today, the plot where the world’s new tallest tower should be under construction is little more than a sun-baked stretch of desert. Work on the Nakheel Tower was halted in January, and work on vast swathes of Jumeirah Gardens has also run aground.
The national media blackout over the Al Fajer case is unusual even in a country gripped by a harsh media law, and a pending new law, that has already drawn criticism for its prohibition of free speech.
A report by the US-based Human Rights Watch group into the UAE’s pending media law, Just the Good News, Please, was published last month. “(The pending law) includes troubling content-based restrictions on speech, draconian fines, and harsh registration requirements,” the report said.
It highlighted a number of the new law’s provisions, branding them: “Not only unlawful intrusions by the government into the right of journalists in the UAE to freely express their thoughts and opinions on any subject of their choosing, but also an unjustified attempt to control the independence of the media.”
Words that will do little to inspire confidence in Mr Oye. “This is going to define my faith in the country,” he said. “If I’m dealt with correctly, great. But at the moment, it’s not going that way. We’re in the witching hour now.”

Heerkani Chohan is the pseudonym of a journalist living and working in Dubai.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

تعازينا يا سيادة الرئيس

إن قال لك أحد عظم الله أجركم فلا تعتقله بشبهة أنه اخونجي.. فغالبية شعبك من المؤمنين وان لم يكن لهؤلاء نصيب في الحكم أو التقرب منك. سمعت أن طائرة رئاسية خاصة نقلت حفيدك الى فرنسا بينما تُمنع عربة إطفاء وإنقاذ جلبها متبرعون بريطانيون ومنهم النائب جورج غالاوي من دخول غزة والعمل على رفع الأنقاض من فوق جثث أطفالها.. هل تعلم أن هؤلاء الانجليز قد فقدو الأمل بإدخال العربة وأعادوها الى ليبيا مؤقتا؟؟ وفي اليوم الذي عادت طائرتك الرئاسية بحفيدك بعد أن قضى الله التعجيل بأجله, يتم منع وفد طبي من دخول غزة؟ ماذا لو مُنع الأطباء عن حفيدك وهو في شدة المرض يا سيادة الرئيس؟ ولمَ قبلتم بنقله الى فرنسا؟ أما أخبروك أن أحسن الفرق الطبية الاجنبية يتم احتجازها حاليا خارج معبر رفح المغلق غير بعيد عن مكان اجازتك الدائمة في شرم الشيخ هل أخبرك رئيس مخابراتك أنه في الوقت الذي تدفن فيه أنت حفيدك, يقوم الفلسطينون بدفن الطفل ربحي جندية الذي يصغر حفيدك بعامين والذي مات أمس بعد طول عناء من المرض والوهن هل تعلم أنه كان يتبول دماً منذ أذار الماضي دون أن يقوى الاطباء على تشخيص مرضه أو أن يسمح له بالسفر للعلاج؟؟؟ ربما كان ألم رحيل الولد أخف وطأة من مرارة شعور أب بقلة ذات الحيلة.. وهو يرى جسد ابنه الضعيف يذبل شيئا فشيئا.. بينما يقوم الأمن بحراسة أقفال المعبر المغلق تنفيذا لأوامركم ؟ لم يطلب أحد استعارة طائرتك الرئاسية لنقل الطفل ربحي... بل كان أهله سيكتفون بنقله على حمار عبر معبر رفح فيما لو سمح ذلك البغل الذي يغلق المعبر لهم بالوصول الى الجانب الاخر من السجن الغزّي؟ فراق الحبيب مؤلم يا سيادة الريّس!! لكنه لا يعادل شعور من امتزجت لديه لوعة فقدان الولد بالمرارة من ظلم الأخوة والقرف من سيادتكم وعظّم الله أجركم

Friday, May 15, 2009

لن يصلح حالكم السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي إلا بالحرية..!

حقيقة من المؤسف مانراه من حالٍ , واحوالٍ داخل المجتمعات العربية ,والتي هي بلا شك نتيجة لأ نظمة سياسية استبدادية عقيمة أصلها قائم على سلوك خاطئ... انظمة أصل بدايتها كانت بداية اغتصاب لحق الاخر ومصادرة كل ما يمت للعدالة و المساواة و الحرية بصلة ...
ما نراه حقيقة في العالم العربي ليس سياسة وإنما هو خياسة !!... خياسة تحكم لها شعب خايس بكل ما تشير له هذه الكلمة من معنى .. شعوب وصلت إلى اعلى درجة من السذاجة على مستوى العالم, شعوب لاتفهم مالها وما عليها, شعوب مخدرة فكريا مهزومة نفسيا شعوب فاشلة علميا ... شعوب تعتاش بالانانية والكذب والنصب والدجل والخداع... شعوب تائهة مشرذمة فكريا واجتماعيا متسولة على تلك الشرذمة السياسية التي حكمت البلاد والعباد بطريقة تبدأ من مبدأ الافساد في الارض ...
حقيقة ذهبنا لمعظم مناطق الوطن العربي ومن لم نذهب إليه رايناه عبر وسائل الاعلام المختلفة ..صراحة شيئ يجلب الحزن والألم, وبنفس الوقت شيئ مقرف... شيئ يؤكد بأن الساسة ورجال الدين إنما هم فئة متآمرة يسلكون بهذه الشعوب طريق آخر طريق بدون إنارة طريق لايؤدي إلى النهضة ولا إلى العزة و لا إلى الكرامة... طريق مليئ بالنفايات طريق يدلل عليه الواقع من أرض الواقع...الوطن العربي اصبح في كل شيئ زبالة من الواقع ..
لاشك بأن التعليم ونتيجة التعليم السيئ وسياسة التعليم الفاسدة هي من اظهرت هذا الواقع الغير سوي الواقع المأساوي, واقع الارهاب واقع الحسد ,واقع الحقد واقع الكراهية والبغضاء ... التعليم اظهر لنا واقع أن يقبل المواطن بالحياة دون ان يكون هناك داعي لتطبيق العدالة أو أي داعي للمساواة أوأي داعي للحرية , التعليم العربي هو مجرد وسيلة لغسل عقول الشعوب من اجل ان تقبل الحاكم على ان له الحق فقط, ,ووقت ما يشاء ومن يريد معه من الناس للحصول على الحرية والعدالة والمساواة دون ان يحصل المواطن العربي الضعيف على المثل .. ذلك المواطن الذي هو مجرد شيئا متسولا على هامش من هوامش العدالة والمساواة والحرية ...
العدالة والمساواة الحرية في الوطن العربي ... ليست مهمة مادام عيال الشيوخ وعيال الفئة الخمس نجوم لهم الحق ان يحصلوا عليها وقت ما يشاؤون ووقت ما يرغبون بل مجاديف العدالة والمساواة تتكسر أمامهم عندما تريد ان تضعهم داخل نطاق ذلك الانسان الضعيف الذي هو يمثل الشريحة الكبيرة من المجتمع ..
لاشك بان الانظمة الحاكمة في العالم العربي اخرجت لنا مجتمعا معاقا... ومن داخل هذا المجتمع المعاق اخرجت لنا مجتمعين مجتمع يطبق عليه القانون الدكتاتوري لأنه الجاهل و الضعيف , ومجتمع آخر قدر له أن يسمو فوق القانون... القانون لايطبق عليه فأصبح المجتمع به مفكك... مجتمع ونقيضه .... مجتمع الانسان به يرى الانسان الاخر اكثر منه حظا و فرصة ومتعة في الحياة .. مجتمع نجد به من يحصل على كامل الحرية دون قيد أوشرط لأنه يمثل القوة... ومجتمع آخر مهان و ملعون ابو اسقافه لأنه يمثل الضعيف!!..
لاشك بأن الانظمة العربية انظمة فاشية على شعوبها... أنظمة سلبت من شعوبها الحرية حتى لاتفضحها وسلبت منها العزة والكرامة من أجل لا تحصل على العدل والمساواة ...
كلمة اهمسها في إذن كل مواطن ومواطنة عربية ...وأقول دون الحصول على الحق الكامل في الحرية مثل ما يحصل عليه المواطن الغربي فإنكم سوف تقبعون داخل حفرة فاسدة حفرة هي بمثابة مقبرة لكم .. حفرة لن تستطبعوا الخروج منها إلا بتطبيق تلك الحرية و التي هي من تجلب لكم العدالة والمساواة...
حقيقة الواقع المأساوي في الوطن العربي لايحتاج من ينتقده... فهو بنفسه أفضل من ينتقد نفسه !!...أفضل ناقد له هو الواقع نفسه, النظروا للواقع انظروا في كل شيئ وعلى كل شيئ !!.... الوطن العربي ظاهره هو أفضل ما ينتقد باطنه...
لاشك بأن الساسة العرب وظفوا وفي كل مكان الكتّاب البارزون ورجال الدين الدجالون من أجل التطبيل لهم في دعم مشاريعم الاستعمارية ... انهم ساسة مستعمرون للشعوب واوطان تلك الشعوب ... ان الشعوب بهم مخدوعة ....
كتبه مشعل الليبرالية

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Corrupt World Financial System

When Benjamin Franklin was called before the British Parliament in 1757 and asked to account for the prosperity in the American colonies. He replied, "That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one." It was the struggle for financial sovereignty that precipitated the American Revolution when the (Rothschild) Bank of England forced the colonists to give up their own currency.
That war never ended.
Throughout his political life Thomas Jefferson fought off the covert attempts of European bankers to control the nation’s money supply through a privately-owned central bank. Andrew Jackson succeeded in defeating these racketeers, nationalizing the banks and paying off the public debt. Our country then flourished without inflation. When Abraham Lincoln issued ‘greenbacks’ that deprived private bankers of their monopoly control of the nation’s money supply he was assassinated. The international bankers battled for more than a century to establish a private central bank in the United States with the exclusive right to print their own fiat notes and exchange them for government debt. They succeeded in 1913 with The Federal Reserve Act, a covert coup that authorized a private central bank to create money out of nothing, lend it to the government with interest and control the national money supply, expanding or contracting it at will. Representative Charles Lindbergh called the Act "the worst legislative crime of the ages." Fifty years later, President John F. Kennedy almost restored our Constitutional monetary system when he issued debt-free Treasury Notes. He too was assassinated.
The Systemic Usury Parasite
In 1913 our sovereign authority to create interest-free money was unconstitutionally transferred to a transnational private banking cartel that has systemically infected our economy with a staggering national debt in the tens of trillions of dollars. Eighty-five cents of every dollar is now consumed as “interest” by the systemic usury parasite, draining its host of vital resources and collapsing our economy in bankruptcy. Ours is not the only nation to succumb to systemic parasitism.
The Systemic Usury Parasite has infected 170 countries, feeding itself through the central bank syndicate, a shareholder-owned consortium of private banks. Each central bank parasite has an exclusive monopoly on its host government’s monetary system, with the power to create public debt and expand or contract the host’s economy at will. Coordinating their monetary policies with each other through the Bank for International Settlements, the central bankers meet behind closed doors, appoint their own governors and set their own rules. Their books are not subject to audit by the individual governments that host them. The Bank for International Settlements originated as a Nazi money laundering operation and serves today as the cashiers window for the global casino. The IMF and World Bank tentacles of this parasite, infect unsuspecting governments with insurmountable debt, forcing these nations through “structural adjustment” policies to rob their taxpayers, slash beneficial social programs, transfer public assets to private owners and sell the nation’s treasures to transnational predators at fire sale prices. Government treasuries are the parasite’s host. Why rob just one bank when you can rob the whole nation? And why rob just one country when you can rob them all? Flushing the global economy of this systemic parasite begins with understanding how its debilitating web of debt is manufactured.
Although governments have inherent authority to create their own money, they foolishly borrow it from central banks, with interest. A central bank fabricates fiat notes (paper money) and credit by “lending” them into existence, in return for treasury bonds of the host government ~ taxpayer IOUs. This “money” has no pre-existing substance in reality and is conjured up through accounting entries. It is literally created out of nothing. The central bank first lends these accounting entries to its private owners and then to its downline commercial banks with interest. The commercial banks are permitted to lend nine times the amount of their borrowed accounting entries held “in reserve”. This nine-fold multiplication of borrowed accounting entries is described as “fractional reserve banking.” When borrowers accept these accounting entry loans they create massive inflation of the money supply which devalues the currency. These accounting entry loans must be “paid back” with compound interest that multiplies exponentially. More money must then be fabricated to pay this interest. Thus, all “money” that enters circulation is actually debt contrived by fictitious accounting entries. Every fiat dollar is an IOU from a borrower to a lender. A debt-based monetary system can never achieve equilibrium because compound interest always overwhelms the escalating money supply and eventually causes systemic collapse.
Organized Crime
Today the nation is essentially bankrupt and hoping Barack Obama’s team of Wall Street advisors will forestall economic collapse. This expectation is equivalent to hoping that Al Capone will make our streets safe. The economic recovery team is a Trojan horse filled with the same Wall Street racketeers that infected the global economy with a quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble, using deliberately deregulated mechanisms. They have successfully held the nation hostage with a universal credit freeze and threats of systemic collapse if trillions of dollars in ransom demands are not met. But why would our government agree to double its public debt to save ruthless gamblers from bankruptcy? Why would our government re-victimize taxpayers who did not participate in this global fraud and whose investments, retirement savings, pension plans and real estate values have already been eviscerated by these swindlers? The answer is that the Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve Chairman have historically represented a parasitic transnational crime syndicate, not the host government and its taxpayers.
The US Government is an instrument of the organized crime syndicate described alternatively as the Washington Consensus, the Octopus, the Shadow Government, the New World Order and Wall Street. This syndicate of transnational racketeers includes bankers, interlocking corporate directors, American, European and Asian “royal” families, cocaine and opium drug traffickers, illegal weapons dealers and kingpin controllers of blood diamonds, gold and oil. From the very beginning of America’s fledgling democracy these international predators surreptitiously gained control of the railroads, banks, oil and vital infrastructure, using a maze of corporations, offshore banks and holding companies that disguised foreign ownership of national resources. During the 19th and 20th centuries this syndicate secured private ownership of vital infrastructure and natural resources worldwide by engineering wars and assassinating democratic leaders. They financed Trotsky, Lenin and Hitler, using syndicate members within the Treasury and Federal Reserve to protect “their” international assets. Thomas Lamont, a JP Morgan banker, who was the US Treasury’s representative at the 1919 Treaty of Versailles negotiations, personally raised $100 million to finance Benito Mussolini. William Boyce Thompson, director of the New York Federal Reserve traveled to Russia to destabilize the Bolshevik Revolution, ensuring that railroads, banks, oil and vital resources would remain in private hands.Across the globe democratically elected leaders were deposed or assassinated that dared to return natural resources to their people. Two notorious Nazi collaborators, Allen Dulles (CIA director) and his brother John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State), were Wall Street attorneys who worked for the syndicate to brutally suppress every democratic uprising that threatened their control over national assets that rightfully belong to sovereign nations.
General Smedley Butler is best remembered today for his oft-quoted statement in the socialist newspaper Common Sense in 1935: "I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras 'right' for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.... Looking back on it, I felt I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. We Marines operated on three continents."
Wall Street racketeers who bribed members of Congress to deregulate Wall Street, could not have held our nation hostage without collusion from the Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve Chairman. They are members of the crime syndicate that loots governments through the central bank system and private equity firms like JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Carlyle. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a Goldman Sachs CEO, is also a member of Robber Barons, Inc ~ the IMF Board of Governors. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers organized the looting of Russia, stripping one trillion dollars from Russia’s struggling economy and shifting state-owned assets to private owners. Larry Summers succeeded Robert Rubin as Treasury Secretary in 1999, marking their success in repealing Depression-era laws that banned the merger of banks, brokers, insurance firms and investment banks. A former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, Rubin joined CEO Sanford Weill at Citigroup, the first financial institution to fully embrace the Rubin-led repeal. At Rubin’s urging, Citigroup thrived by bundling loans as securities (mortgages, credit card loans, auto loans, student loans) and selling them as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Concurrently Larry Summers championed the deregulation of financial derivatives, ensuring the globalization of losses from those securities. With $2 trillion in junk loans, Citigroup fraud has metastasized to 100 countries making it too infectious to quarantine (“too big to fail”). Rubin protégés advised Obama that taxpayers should assume responsibility for $306 billion of Citigroup’s junk loans. Rockefeller owns Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase, two of the investment banks that own the Federal Reserve. Obama’s Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, is a Board Director at the central bank headquarters, the Bank for International Settlements, and is a protégé of Henry Kissinger, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.
Financial Terrorism
Author Bernard Lietaer, a former central banker, writes in “The Future of Money:”
"Your money's value is determined by a global casino of unprecedented proportions: $2 trillion are traded per day in foreign exchange markets, 100 times more than the trading volume of all the stock markets of the world combined. Only 2% of these foreign exchange transactions relate to the "real" economy reflecting movements of real goods and services in the world, and 98% are purely speculative. This global casino is triggering the foreign exchange crises which shook Mexico in 1994-95, Asia in 1997 and Russia in 1998. These emergencies are the dislocation symptoms of the old Industrial Age money system."
These emergencies are also the hallmark of the transnational crime syndicate controlling the global economy through financial terrorism. Collapsing healthy economies with currency speculation, fabricating trillions of dollars in fictitious debt and destroying productive businesses with short selling, these vultures have swarmed across the globe devouring one nation after another. The US is their current target.
Another Board Director at the predatory Bank for International Settlements, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, used the standard Rockefeller-Rothschild blueprint for engineering the US financial collapse: deliberately expanding cheap credit to inflate the web of debt, entice rampant speculation and then suddenly withholding credit to violently contract the economy. A tactic used by Rothschild’s Bank of England to rob and control its colonies, this violent contraction catalyzes waves of foreclosures, bankruptcies and layoffs that force sellers to accept pennies on the dollar for their assets. Alternatively described as Milton Friedman’s economic ‘Shock Treatment’ and Henry Kissinger’s blueprint for “making the economy scream,” this financial terrorism is a psychopathic formula to bring a nation to its knees.
Instead of allowing a handful of corrupt Wall Street investment banks to implode from well-deserved bankruptcy, The Swindler Bailout engineered by the US Treasury and Federal Reserve extorts trillions of taxpayer dollars to purchase worthless junk loans from racketeers, reimburse speculators for their gambling losses, finance mergers and acquisitions to devour healthy banks and concentrate unearned wealth in expanded syndicate banking monopolies. Government loans could have been directly issued to victims of predatory lenders to refinance the mortgages that have devastated home values nationwide. Instead, taxpayer loans to the generators of these toxic assets reward criminals and simultaneously drain the US Treasury. Insurmountable debt, engineered by the Systemic Usury Parasite and compounded by the Swindler Bailout, lays the groundwork for “structurally adjusting” the American economy, permanently stripping citizens of their remaining assets, health care protection and their confiscated wages held in trust by the Social Security Administration. This premeditated Grand Theft is the prelude for national insolvency and subsequent sale of the nation’s assets to transnational pirates.
Disintegration is a Blessing
Reuters reported in February that renowned investor George Soros said the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis. We needn’t wait to see how thugs might resolve the crisis. It would be much wiser to take the path of least resistance and prevent economic collapse by making the systemic correction that is long overdue.
Imagine for a moment that worldwide governments had retained their exclusive authority to create money and control credit and had strictly regulated the transparent movement of capital within their own borders. Had they remained autonomous, systemic global collapse would not have been possible. US investment banks could not have infected foreign banks and collapsed Iceland’s economy. Small, autonomous units counteract systemic risk by isolating disease and preventing it from metastasizing to the whole system, as nature wisely demonstrates. This “disintegration” of the world financial system is an opportunity to dis – integrate every transnational conglomerate that binds all systems together in one monolithic web of systemic debt. Autonomous interest-free monetary systems that support small community banks, small farms and local producers of goods and services would protect self-sustaining economies from the systemic risk caused by the contagious collapse of intertwined conglomerates. Monopoly strangleholds on any commodity or economic system are lethal by nature. The greater their scope, the greater the risk of contagious catastrophic collapse ~ a fact we are now witnessing.
Dis – integrating the parasitic central bank syndicate that is strangling every country with insurmountable debt must be accompanied by effective quarantine of the global gambling casino: replace the Glass-Steagall firewall between commercial banks (public savings) and reckless investment banks; strictly regulate commodities futures and derivatives trades; ban over-the-counter transactions that are not transparent; criminalize anti-social speculation that artificially drives up the price of essential commodities and threatens public welfare; prosecute naked short sellers that collapse healthy businesses; enforce anti-trust laws that separate large investment sectors in finance, insurance, and real estate; dis – integrate every multinational conglomerate that is too criminal to care and too big to jail; end the fabrication of accounting entry debt by reforming the monetary system to issue and regulate credit through a transparent and strictly controlled public agency and localize every system that is critical to social functioning.
Isolating and strictly regulating Wall Street and offshore casinos to prevent gambling addicts from devastating the productive economy may eventually protect the global financial system from organized crime but its victims will never be reimbursed for their losses. Productive workers who lost their life savings and retirement pensions slowly accumulated over a lifetime of contributing have been thoroughly robbed by sociopaths who instantly amassed unearned wealth by parasitic gambling that contributes nothing of value. They will retire, without being prosecuted, in luxury.
The Mechanics of Money
Money is not a commodity. It is a token of value. Any two people can transfer whatever they like as a medium of exchange. We agree as a group to use one medium of exchange to simplify transactions. The purpose of inventing a medium of exchange is to sustain the flow of goods and services circulating in an economy. If we agreed to use gold or feathers as tokens, the medium of exchange would be finite and too scarce to meet everyone’s needs ~ and a finite physical commodity can be monopolized by individuals who might hoard the tokens and constrict the flow of goods and services that are needed by everyone in society. Paper is plentiful. In theory, we agree to the fiction that paper money and computer credits have value in order to produce and exchange the commodities we need. But they have no intrinsic value.
The pieces of paper and computer entries that are fabricated by private corporations, what we call money, can and should be created and regulated by a legitimate public agency. It is irrational to transfer this vital social function to private corporations that thrive on usury and destabilize economies by expanding and contracting fabricated credit. Usury is not a fact of life, an inherent condition one finds throughout the natural world. It is a man-made concept that could create opportunities for cultures to expand productive activities but which has been historically used by parasites that eventually kill the host.
Money and credit can and should be used to keep the economy flowing, facilitating the exchange of real goods and productive services that meet the needs of society ~ without fabricating debilitating and fictitious debt. This, in fact, was the intention of Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution that authorized only Congress to coin money and regulate its value. The founders of our nation understood that a government does not need to borrow its money from a private corporation. It has the power to create its own money. We are that government and that power belongs to us.
Our government has the constitutional authority to create money and issue credit without ever charging interest or creating debt. It can directly spend this money into circulation and extinguish excess currency to prevent inflation. Or it can charge a reasonable interest rate and use this revenue in lieu of taxes. Publicly-owned community banks could charge a moderate interest rate that is returned to depositors as dividends, or it could be used to generate revenue for implementing worthwhile social projects. Monetary science comes equipped with mathematical formulas to achieve permanent monetary equilibrium through a set of principles that balance the money supply and maintain currency stability, eliminating recessions, depressions, inflation and deflation forever. A debt-free monetary system can be mathematically regulated to facilitate the flow of goods and services as a public service. The mechanics have been understood for centuries. All that is required is social consensus.
Decentralizing the banking system would dis-integrate the global stranglehold of transnational racketeers and provide protection from future systemic collapse. Geraldine Perry has suggested that if banks are to remain privately owned they must be required to operate as independent businesses with 100% reserves and use their own capital for loans, not fictitious accounting entries and not other people's money. The national money supply would be issued by a public monetary authority. Banks would operate as any other business should and they would be regulated by the local governmental entities where they are located, thereby eliminating the need for a national regulatory scheme.
Completely abolishing the privatization of the national money and credit supply would liberate human energy to create a world of abundance in which every human community could produce and exchange the goods and services it needs without ever being enslaved by fictitious debt. Government control of the national money supply would prevent inflation and escalating debt by issuing constitutional interest-free money. Moderate interest rates could then be used to finance the operations of city, state and federal government in lieu of taxes. Two brilliant authors, attorney Ellen Brown and historian Stephen Zarlenga have articulated sound mechanics for a publicly-owned monetary system. All that remains is public demand for this reform.
What is most essential to liberating humankind from centuries of covert suppression by parasitic racketeers is financial sovereignty. Political freedom without economic freedom is meaningless. The self-induced implosion of a corrupt financial system provides our generation with a precious opportunity to secure the blessings of liberty envisioned by our ancestors and finish the American Revolution.